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Bulletin board project created to replace a CoolForum solution. (Including DB migration script.) Comes with a light community blog.

Made in Python 3. Backend mostly based on Django, PostgreSQL and memcached. Frontend in BootStrap + JQuery. Node.js + for some realtime capabilities. Deploys with Docker & Ansible.

Getting started


Install Docker

Starting a development environment

The development environment uses docker-compose, more information on the CLI usage here.

docker-compose up -d          # Start environment
docker-compose logs -f        # Read all components logs
docker-compose logs -f forum  # Read forum component logs
docker-compose exec forum sh  # Execute an interactive shell on the forum container

The development server is accessible at: http://localhost:8080.

Stopping a development environment

docker-compose down              # Stop environment (add -v to delete the volumes)
docker volume ls                 # List volumes
docker volume rm naxos_forum-db  # Delete the db


Initial data (fixtures) is provided and installed automatically by

Out of the box, you will be able to log in using those credentials:

  • Username: "admin"
  • Password: "crimson"

Create new fixtures

python3 dumpdata --natural-foreign \
   --exclude auth.permission --exclude contenttypes \
   --indent 4 > data.json


Update dependencies

pipenv run pip install setuptools==57.5.0
pipenv install
pipenv update
pipenv requirements > requirements.txt

Docker image

docker build --build-arg VERSION="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" --tag maur1th/naxos-forum app/forum && \
docker build --build-arg VERSION="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" --tag maur1th/naxos-websocket app/websocket && \
docker tag maur1th/naxos-forum maur1th/naxos-forum:"$(git rev-parse HEAD)" && \
docker tag maur1th/naxos-websocket maur1th/naxos-websocket:"$(git rev-parse HEAD)" && \
docker push maur1th/naxos-forum && \
docker push maur1th/naxos-forum:"$(git rev-parse HEAD)" && \
docker push maur1th/naxos-websocket && \
docker push maur1th/naxos-websocket:"$(git rev-parse HEAD)"



# Deploy latest Docker images
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts --vault-password-file=~/.vault_pass playbook.yml
# Deploy specific commit
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts --vault-password-file=~/.vault_pass playbook.yml -e "app_version=<version>"

Static files

docker-compose run -e LOCAL_ENV=0 -e AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME=geekattitude -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=foo -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=bar --entrypoint "python3 collectstatic --no-input" forum