Data entry and solver for sudoku puzzles. A MacOS app.
Still in early development.
- Can open a .txt file if in the correct format and display the contents.
- Can create and display a new empty puzzle in 2 sizes.
- Can select a cell with the mouse.
- Can move the selection with the arrow keys.
- Allow editing of the puzzle cells.
- Save an edited file to disk.
- The document is marked edited when changes are made.
- Undo/redo is working properly.
- Speech verification of puzzles, including abort and restart.
- Can check a puzzle for conflicts and display them.
- Can check if a puzzle has a solution without showing it.
- Can show or hide the puzzle solution.
- Allow import of graphics files, converting them to puzzles.
For now, in no particular order, this is a list of things needed.
- When an edited document is closed it is saved, but without a confirmation dialog.
- I would like Cell and Drawer to know what SudokuPuzzle they belong to without sacrificing immutability.
- The puzzle solver can't handle all puzzles yet.
- An interactive "solve the puzzle" mode.
- The graphics file import has several problems:
- It is not very robust, many files crash it.
- There is no warning when an existing file will be overwritten.
- Files that have invalid text representations do not report the error.