A Node.js mock server for local testing of PubSubHubBub subscriptions.
- Clone repo
- Create 'feeds' folder within repo
- Add files you want to publish within 'feeds' folder
- run app.js (defaults to port 9000 unless given a process.env.PORT)
- Open http://localhost:9000 in a browser, you should see a link for each file in your feeds folder
Now you can subscribe to to the mock as you would a normal PubSubHubServer. Your subscription callback can have a port attached and the mock will work it out. i.e.
{ callback: 'localhost:1337' }
Once you have a subscriber simply click on a link one of your feed files and it will be published.
N.B. Your subscription request will be stored in a plain text file called database.txt at project root. Don't use a real secret in here.
N.B. If you wish to run this within a VM using the VagrantFile you will need the Berkshelf and omnibus plugins installed. Then you should be able to just:
vagrant up
Discovery. Subscription verification is not yet in place. Unsubscribing. More detailed Readme.
Other things too.