Repo for basic CircleCI Pipeline...for deploying CircleCI
This Project is running on
The current Chef Coookbook, while called CircleCI, does NOT deploy CircleCI It only installs Apache and configures a "hello world" main page
Basic CFN that deploys an Amazon Linux EC2 Instance
- User Data:
- Installs unzip
- Downloads, unzips and installs AWS CloudFormation
- Downloads and runs a script
CircleCI configuration file that defines the pipeline actions
- Installs dependencies
- ChefDK
- ChefSpec
- KitchenDocket
- Runs Tests
- Foodcritic
- Rubocop
- AWS Validate-Template
- Deploys
- Packages the Cookbook using Berkshelf
- Copies packaged Cookbook and support files up to S3
- Packaged Cookbook - circleci.tar.gz
- node.json
- solo.rb
- CFN: chef_deploy.yml
- Runs cloudformation create-stack