Download albums from bandcamp using the command line.
Only works for public tracks.
Quality is limited to mp3 at 128 kbps.
Install with:
pip install bandripper
> bandripper -h
Usage: bandripper [-h] [-n] [-o] [-nr] [str ...]
Positional Arguments:
str The bandcamp url(s) for the album or artist. If the url is to an artists
main page, all albums will be downloaded. The tracks will be saved to a
subdirectory of your current directory. If a track can't be streamed (i.e.
private) it won't be downloaded. Multiple urls can be passed. (default: None)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n, --no_track_number
By default the track number will be added to the front of the track title.
Pass this switch to disable the behavior. (default: False)
-o, --overwrite Pass this flag to overwrite existing files. Otherwise tracks that already
exist locally will not be downloaded. (default: False)
-nr, --new_releases Check urls in `discography_urls.txt` for new releases and download them. A
discography url is automatically added to the file when bandripper is used
on it. (default: False)
Downloading 5 tracks from Bodies of EarthHearts of Space by Blacklung Winter... ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100.00% 0s
>dir "./Blacklung Winter/Bodies of EarthHearts of Space"
03/22/2023 01:46 PM 228,335 Bodies of EarthHearts of Space.jpg
03/22/2023 01:46 PM 3,008,887 01 - Bodies of EarthHearts of Space.mp3
03/22/2023 01:46 PM 3,441,057 02 - Dead in the Water.mp3
03/22/2023 01:46 PM 2,792,802 03 - Yin and Yang.mp3
03/22/2023 01:46 PM 3,326,954 04 - Neurotoxin.mp3
03/22/2023 01:46 PM 3,836,446 05 - Uproot.mp3