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matpalm committed Feb 9, 2021
2 parents dd40127 + 87ad647 commit 2589857
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Showing 7 changed files with 358 additions and 486 deletions.
35 changes: 28 additions & 7 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import numpy as np
import jax.numpy as jnp
from import AUTOTUNE
import logging

def _convert_dtype(x):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,27 +41,47 @@ def _convert_image_dtype(x, y):
return tfds.as_numpy(dataset)

def validation_dataset(batch_size):
def validation_dataset(batch_size, sample_data=False):
# 2700 records
# [293, 307, 335, 258, 253, 194, 239, 284, 243, 294]
return _non_training_dataset(batch_size, 'train[80%:90%]')
if sample_data:
split = 'train[80%:82%]'
split = 'train[80%:90%]'
logging.debug("validation_dataset %s" % split)
return _non_training_dataset(batch_size, split)

def test_dataset(batch_size):
def test_dataset(batch_size, sample_data=False):
# 2700 records
# [307, 300, 296, 221, 262, 216, 251, 296, 250, 301]
return _non_training_dataset(batch_size, 'train[90%:]')
if sample_data:
split = 'train[90%:92%]'
split = 'train[90%:]'
logging.debug("test_dataset %s" % split)
return _non_training_dataset(batch_size, split)

def training_dataset(batch_size, shuffle_seed, num_inputs=1, sample_data=False):
logging.debug("training_dataset shuffle_seed %d" % shuffle_seed)

if sample_data:
logging.warn("using small sample_data for training")
split = 'train[:2%]'
split = 'train[:80%]'
logging.debug("training_dataset %s" % split)

def training_dataset(batch_size, num_inputs=1):
dataset = (tfds.load('eurosat/rgb', split='train[:80%]',
dataset = (tfds.load('eurosat/rgb', split=split,
.map(_augment_and_convert_dtype, num_parallel_calls=AUTOTUNE)
.shuffle(1024, seed=shuffle_seed))

if num_inputs == 1:
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
# TODO: don't use this in v2?
def _reshape_inputs(x, y):
_b, h, w, c = x.shape
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@@ -1,249 +1,27 @@
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import random, lax, vmap
from jax.nn.initializers import glorot_normal, he_normal
from jax.nn import gelu
import haiku as hk
from functools import partial
import objax
from objax.variable import TrainVar, StateVar

def _conv_layer(stride, activation, inp, kernel, bias):
no_dilation = (1, 1)
some_height_width = 10 # values don't matter; just shape of input
input_shape = (1, some_height_width, some_height_width, 3)
kernel_shape = (3, 3, 1, 1)
input_kernel_output = ('NHWC', 'HWIO', 'NHWC')
conv_dimension_numbers = lax.conv_dimension_numbers(input_shape,
block = lax.conv_general_dilated(inp, kernel, (stride, stride),
'VALID', no_dilation, no_dilation,
if bias is not None:
block += bias
if activation:
block = activation(block)
return block
def global_spatial_mean_pooling(x):
return jnp.mean(x, axis=(1, 2))

def _dense_layer(activation, inp, kernel, bias):
block =, kernel) + bias
if activation:
block = activation(block)
return block
def model(x, dense_kernel_size=64, max_conv_size=256, num_classes=10):
layers = []
for c in [32, 64, 128, 256]:
layers.append(hk.Conv2D(output_channels=min(c, max_conv_size),
kernel_shape=3, stride=2))
layers += [global_spatial_mean_pooling,
return hk.Sequential(layers)(x)

# TODO: introduce basecase for Ensemble & NonEnsemble to avoid
# clumsy single_result & model_dropout on NonEnsemble

class NonEnsembleNet(objax.Module):

def __init__(self, num_classes, max_conv_size=64, dense_kernel_size=32,
key = random.PRNGKey(seed)
subkeys = random.split(key, 6)

# conv stack kernels and biases
self.conv_kernels = objax.ModuleList()
self.conv_biases = objax.ModuleList()
input_channels = 3
for i, output_channels in enumerate([32, 64, 128, 256]):
output_channels = min(output_channels, max_conv_size)
subkeys[i], (3, 3, input_channels, output_channels))))
input_channels = output_channels

# dense layer kernel and bias
self.dense_kernel = TrainVar(he_normal()(
subkeys[4], (output_channels, dense_kernel_size)))
self.dense_bias = TrainVar(jnp.zeros((dense_kernel_size)))

# classifier layer kernel and bias
self.logits_kernel = TrainVar(glorot_normal()(
subkeys[5], (dense_kernel_size, num_classes)))
self.logits_bias = TrainVar(jnp.zeros((num_classes)))

def logits(self, inp, single_result=None, model_dropout=None):
"""return logits over inputs
inp: input images (B, HW, HW, 3)
single_result: clumsily ignore for NonEnsembleNet :/
model_dropout: clumsily ignore for NonEnsembleNet :/
logit values for input images (B, C)

# conv stack -> (B, 3, 3, MCS) MaxConvSize
y = inp
for kernel, bias in zip(self.conv_kernels, self.conv_biases):
y = _conv_layer(2, gelu, y, kernel.value, bias.value)

# global spatial pooling -> (B, MCS)
y = jnp.mean(y, axis=(1, 2))

# dense layer with non linearity -> (B, DKS) DenseKernelSize
y = _dense_layer(gelu, y, self.dense_kernel.value,

# dense layer with no activation to number classes -> (B, C)
logits = _dense_layer(
None, y, self.logits_kernel.value, self.logits_bias.value)

return logits

def predict(self, inp, single_result=None):
"""return class predictions. i.e. argmax over logits.
inp: input images (B, HW, HW, 3)
single_result: clumsily ignore for NonEnsembleNet :/
prediction classes for input images (B,)
return jnp.argmax(self.logits(inp, single_result), axis=-1)

class EnsembleNet(objax.Module):

def __init__(self, num_models, num_classes, max_conv_size=64,
dense_kernel_size=32, seed=0):
self.num_models = num_models

key = random.PRNGKey(seed)
subkeys = random.split(key, 7)

# conv stack kernels and biases
self.conv_kernels = objax.ModuleList()
self.conv_biases = objax.ModuleList()
input_channels = 3
for i, output_channels in enumerate([32, 64, 128, 256]):
output_channels = min(output_channels, max_conv_size)
subkeys[i], (num_models, 3, 3, input_channels,
TrainVar(jnp.zeros((num_models, output_channels))))
input_channels = output_channels

# dense layer kernel and bias
self.dense_kernel = TrainVar(he_normal()(
subkeys[4], (num_models, output_channels, dense_kernel_size)))
self.dense_bias = TrainVar(jnp.zeros((num_models, dense_kernel_size)))

# classifier layer kernel and bias
self.logits_kernel = TrainVar(glorot_normal()(
subkeys[5], (num_models, dense_kernel_size, num_classes)))
self.logits_bias = TrainVar(jnp.zeros((num_models, num_classes)))

# create a rng key generator for doing dropout each call to logits
# (as required)
self.dropout_key = objax.random.Generator(seed)

def logits(self, inp, single_result, model_dropout):
"""return logits over inputs.
inp: input images. either (B, HW, HW, 3) in which case all models
will get the same images or (M, B, HW, HW, 3) in which case each
model will get a different image.
single_result: if true return single logits value for ensemble.
otherwise return logits for each sub model.
model_dropout: if true then only run 50% of the models during
logit values for input images. either (B, C) if in single_result mode
or (M, B, C) otherwise.
Exception: if input images are (M, B, HW, HW, 3) and in single_result

if not model_dropout:
# if we are not doing model dropout then just take all the model
# variables as they are. these will be of shape (M, ...)
conv_kernels = [k.value for k in self.conv_kernels]
conv_biases = [b.value for b in self.conv_biases]
dense_kernel = self.dense_kernel.value
dense_bias = self.dense_bias.value
logits_kernel = self.logits_kernel.value
logits_bias = self.logits_bias.value
# but if we are doing model dropout then we take half the models
# by first 1) picking idxs that represents a random half of the
# models ...
idxs = jnp.arange(self.num_models)
idxs = jax.random.permutation(self.dropout_key(), idxs)
idxs = idxs[:(self.num_models//2)]
# ... and then 2) slicing the variables out. all these will be of
# shape (M/2, ...)
conv_kernels = [k.value[idxs] for k in self.conv_kernels]
conv_biases = [b.value[idxs] for b in self.conv_biases]
dense_kernel = self.dense_kernel.value[idxs]
dense_bias = self.dense_bias.value[idxs]
logits_kernel = self.logits_kernel.value[idxs]
logits_bias = self.logits_bias.value[idxs]

if len(inp.shape) == 4:
# single_input mode; inp (B, HW, HW, 3)
# apply first convolution as vmap against just inp
y = vmap(partial(_conv_layer, 2, gelu, inp))(conv_kernels[0],
elif len(inp.shape) == 5:
# multi_input mode; inp (M, B, HW, HW, 3)
if single_result:
raise Exception("self.single_result=True not valid when passed"
" an image per model")
if inp.shape[0] != self.num_models:
raise Exception("when passing (M, B, HW, HW, 3) the leading"
" dimension needs to match the number of models"
" in the ensemble.")
# apply all convolutions, including first, as vmap against both y
# and kernel, bias
y = vmap(partial(_conv_layer, 2, gelu))(inp, conv_kernels[0],
raise Exception("unexpected input shape")

# y now (M, B, HW/2 HW/2, 32)

# rest of the convolution stack can be applied as vmap against both y
# and conv kernels, biases.
# final result is (M, B, 3, 3, 256|max_conv_size)
for kernel, bias in zip(conv_kernels[1:], conv_biases[1:]):
y = vmap(partial(_conv_layer, 2, gelu))(y, kernel, bias)

# global spatial pooling. (M, B, dense_kernel_size)
y = jnp.mean(y, axis=(2, 3))

# dense layer with non linearity. (M, B, dense_kernel_size)
y = vmap(partial(_dense_layer, gelu))(y, dense_kernel, dense_bias)

# dense layer with no activation to number classes.
# (M, B, num_classes)
logits = vmap(partial(_dense_layer, None))(y, logits_kernel,

# if single result sum logits over models to represent single
# ensemble result (B, num_classes)
if single_result:
logits = jnp.sum(logits, axis=0)

return logits

def predict(self, inp, single_result):
"""return class predictions. i.e. argmax over logits.
inp: input images. either (B, HW, HW, 3) in which case all models
will get the same images or (M, B, HW, HW, 3) in which case each
model will get a different image.
single_result: if true a single prediction for ensemble is returned.
otherwise return predictions per sub model.
prediction classes for input images. either (B,) if in single_result
mode or (M, B) otherwise.
Exception: if input images are (M, B, HW, HW, 3) and in single_result

return jnp.argmax(self.logits(inp, single_result, False), axis=-1)
def build_model(opts):
m = partial(model, max_conv_size=opts.max_conv_size,
return hk.without_apply_rng(hk.transform(m))
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Expand Up @@ -10,10 +10,20 @@ set -ex
# --epochs 2

python3 \
--input-mode single \
--num-models 4 \
--max-conv-size 32 \
--dense-kernel-size 32 \
--batch-size 32 \
--epochs 2 \
--max-conv-size 8 \
--dense-kernel-size 8 \
--steps-per-batch 2 \
--epochs 2 \
--models-per-device 2 \
--sample-data \
--log-level DEBUG

# python3 \
# --input-mode single \
# --num-models 4 \
# --max-conv-size 32 \
# --dense-kernel-size 32 \
# --batch-size 32 \
# --epochs 2 \
# --model-dropout

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