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add tests for AutoTrace
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duncanpo committed Oct 22, 2024
1 parent db5ea0b commit fb12908
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Showing 2 changed files with 200 additions and 9 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions test/autotrace_examples/example1/example1_trycatch.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
function yf = example1_trycatch(at, n)
% example code for testing auto instrumentation. This example should not
% use beginTrace method and instead should be called directly.

% Copyright 2024 The MathWorks, Inc.

[x, y] = generate_data(n);
yf = best_fit_line(x,y);
catch ME
handleError(at, ME);
197 changes: 188 additions & 9 deletions test/tautotrace.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,10 +21,14 @@ function setupOnce(testCase)
% add the utils folder to the path
utilsfolder = fullfile(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')), "utils");
% add the example folder to the path
% add the example folders to the path
example1folder = fullfile(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')), "autotrace_examples", "example1");

% configure the global tracer provider
tp = opentelemetry.sdk.trace.TracerProvider();

Expand All @@ -43,12 +47,7 @@ function teardown(testCase)
methods (Test)
function testBasic(testCase)
% testBasic: instrument a simple example

% configure the global tracer provider
tp = opentelemetry.sdk.trace.TracerProvider();

% set up AutoTrace
at = opentelemetry.autoinstrument.AutoTrace(@example1);

Expand All @@ -59,11 +58,191 @@ function testBasic(testCase)
results = readJsonResults(testCase);
verifyNumElements(testCase, results, 3);

% check logger name, log body and severity, trace and span IDs
verifyEqual(testCase, string(results{1}, "AutoTrace");
% check tracer and span names
verifyEqual(testCase, string(results{1}, "AutoTrace"); % default name
verifyEqual(testCase, string(results{1}, "generate_data");
verifyEqual(testCase, string(results{2}, "best_fit_line");
verifyEqual(testCase, string(results{3}, "example1");

% check they belong to the same trace
verifyEqual(testCase, results{1}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.traceId, results{2}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.traceId);
verifyEqual(testCase, results{1}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.traceId, results{3}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.traceId);

% check parent children relationship
verifyEqual(testCase, results{1}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.parentSpanId, results{3}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.spanId);
verifyEqual(testCase, results{2}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.parentSpanId, results{3}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.spanId);

function testIncludeExcludeFiles(testCase)
% testIncludeExcludeFiles: AdditionalFiles and ExcludeFiles options

% set up AutoTrace
at = opentelemetry.autoinstrument.AutoTrace(@example1, ...
"AdditionalFiles", "polyfit", "ExcludeFiles", "generate_data");

% run the example
[~] = beginTrace(at, 100);

% perform test comparisons
results = readJsonResults(testCase);
verifyNumElements(testCase, results, 3);

% check span names
verifyEqual(testCase, string(results{1}, "polyfit");
verifyEqual(testCase, string(results{2}, "best_fit_line");
verifyEqual(testCase, string(results{3}, "example1");

% check parent children relationship
verifyEqual(testCase, results{1}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.parentSpanId, results{2}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.spanId);
verifyEqual(testCase, results{2}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.parentSpanId, results{3}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.spanId);

function testDisableFileDetection(testCase)
% testDisableFileDetection: AutoDetectFiles set to false

% set up AutoTrace
at = opentelemetry.autoinstrument.AutoTrace(@example1, ...
"AutoDetectFiles", false);

% run the example
[~] = beginTrace(at, 100);

% perform test comparisons
results = readJsonResults(testCase);

% should only be 1 span
verifyNumElements(testCase, results, 1);
verifyEqual(testCase, string(results{1}, "example1");

function testNonFileOptions(testCase)
% testNonFileOptions: other options not related to files,
% "TracerName", "TracerVersion", "TracerSchema", "Attributes",
% "SpanKind"

tracername = "foo";
tracerversion = "1.1";
tracerschema = "";
spankind = "consumer";
attrnames = ["foo" "bar"];
attrvalues = [1 2];
attrs = dictionary(attrnames, attrvalues);
% set up AutoTrace
at = opentelemetry.autoinstrument.AutoTrace(@example1, ...
"TracerName", tracername, "TracerVersion", tracerversion, ...
"TracerSchema", tracerschema, "SpanKind", spankind, "Attributes", attrs);

% run the example
[~] = beginTrace(at, 100);

% perform test comparisons
results = readJsonResults(testCase);
verifyNumElements(testCase, results, 3);

% check specified options in each span
for i = 1:numel(results)
verifyEqual(testCase, string(results{i}, tracername);
verifyEqual(testCase, string(results{i}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.scope.version), tracerversion);
verifyEqual(testCase, string(results{i}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.schemaUrl), tracerschema);
verifyEqual(testCase, results{i}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.kind, 5); % SpanKind consumer

% attributes
attrkeys = string({results{i}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.attributes.key});

for ii = 1:numel(attrnames)
attrnameii = attrnames(ii);
idxii = find(attrkeys == attrnameii);
verifyNotEmpty(testCase, idxii);
verifyEqual(testCase, results{i}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.attributes(idxii).value.doubleValue, ...

function testError(testCase)
% testError: handling error situation

% set up AutoTrace
at = opentelemetry.autoinstrument.AutoTrace(@example1);

% run the example with an invalid input, check for error
verifyError(testCase, @()beginTrace(at, "invalid"), "MATLAB:colon:inputsMustBeNumericCharLogical");

% perform test comparisons
results = readJsonResults(testCase);
verifyNumElements(testCase, results, 2);

% check span names
verifyEqual(testCase, string(results{1}, "generate_data");
verifyEqual(testCase, string(results{2}, "example1");

% check parent children relationship
verifyEqual(testCase, results{1}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.parentSpanId, results{2}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.spanId);

% check error status
verifyEqual(testCase, results{1}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.status.code, 2); % error
verifyEmpty(testCase, fieldnames(results{2}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.status)); % ok, no error

function testHandleError(testCase)
% testHandleError: directly call handleError method rather than using
% beginTrace method. This test should use example1_trycatch, which
% wraps a try-catch in the input function and calls handleError
% in the catch block.

% set up AutoTrace, using example1_trycatch
at = opentelemetry.autoinstrument.AutoTrace(@example1_trycatch);

% call example directly instead of calling beginTrace, and pass
% in an invalid input
verifyError(testCase, @()example1_trycatch(at, "invalid"), "MATLAB:colon:inputsMustBeNumericCharLogical");

% perform test comparisons
results = readJsonResults(testCase);
verifyNumElements(testCase, results, 2);

% check span names
verifyEqual(testCase, string(results{1}, "generate_data");
verifyEqual(testCase, string(results{2}, "example1_trycatch");

% check parent children relationship
verifyEqual(testCase, results{1}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.parentSpanId, results{2}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.spanId);

% check error status
verifyEqual(testCase, results{1}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.status.code, 2); % error
verifyEmpty(testCase, fieldnames(results{2}.resourceSpans.scopeSpans.spans.status)); % ok, no error

function testMultipleInstances(testCase)
% testMultipleInstances: multiple overlapped instances should
% return an error

% set up AutoTrace
at = opentelemetry.autoinstrument.AutoTrace(@example1); %#ok<NASGU>

% set up another identical instance, check for error
verifyError(testCase, @()opentelemetry.autoinstrument.AutoTrace(@example1), "opentelemetry:autoinstrument:AutoTrace:OverlappedInstances");

function testClearInstance(~)
% testClearInstance: clear an instance and recreate a new instance

% create and instance and then clear
at = opentelemetry.autoinstrument.AutoTrace(@example1); %#ok<NASGU>

% create a new instance should not result in any error
at = opentelemetry.autoinstrument.AutoTrace(@example1); %#ok<NASGU>

function testInvalidInputFunction(testCase)
% testInvalidInputFunction: negative test for invalid input

% anonymous function
verifyError(testCase, @()opentelemetry.autoinstrument.AutoTrace(@()example1), "opentelemetry:autoinstrument:AutoTrace:AnonymousFunction");

% builtin function
verifyError(testCase, @()opentelemetry.autoinstrument.AutoTrace(@uplus), "opentelemetry:autoinstrument:AutoTrace:InvalidMFile");

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