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Clopen Sets #797

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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -214,6 +214,12 @@
- in file `topology.v`,
+ new lemmas `dfwith_continuous`, and `proj_open`.

- in file `topology.v`,
+ new definitions `second_countable`, `clopen`, and `totally_disconnected`.
+ new lemmas `clopenI`, `clopenU`, `clopenC`, `clopen0`, `clopenT`,
`clopen_separatedP`, `totally_disconnected_cvg`, `clopen_countable`,
`totally_disconnected_prod`, `totally_disconnected_discrete`, and

### Changed
- in `topology.v`
Expand Down
144 changes: 143 additions & 1 deletion theories/topology.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -230,6 +230,9 @@ Require Import reals signed.
(* component x == the connected component of point x *)
(* [locally P] := forall a, A a -> G (within A (nbhs x)) *)
(* if P is convertible to G (globally A) *)
(* second_countable T == T has a countable basis *)
(* clopen A == A is both open and closed *)
(* totally_disconnected A == distinct points are separated *)
(* *)
(* * Function space topologies : *)
(* {uniform` A -> V} == The space U -> V, equipped with the topology of *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3609,9 +3612,122 @@ Lemma bool_compact : compact [set: bool].
Proof. by rewrite setT_bool; apply/compactU; exact: compact_set1. Qed.

End DiscreteTopology.

#[global] Hint Resolve discrete_bool : core.

Definition second_countable (T : topologicalType) := exists B,
[/\ countable B,
B `<=` open &
forall (x : T) V, nbhs x V -> exists A, [/\ B A, nbhs x A & A `<=` V]].

Section ClopenSets.
Implicit Types (T : topologicalType).

Definition clopen {T} (A : set T) := open A /\ closed A.

Definition totally_disconnected T := forall (x y : T),
x != y -> exists A, A x /\ ~ A y /\ clopen A.

Lemma clopenI {T} (A B : set T) : clopen A -> clopen B -> clopen (A `&` B).
Proof. by case=> ? ? [] ? ?; split; [exact: openI | exact: closedI]. Qed.

Lemma clopenU {T} (A B : set T) : clopen A -> clopen B -> clopen (A `|` B).
Proof. by case=> ? ? [] ? ?; split; [exact: openU | exact: closedU]. Qed.

Lemma clopenC {T} (A B : set T) : clopen A -> clopen (~`A).
Proof. by case=> ? ?; split;[exact: closed_openC | exact: open_closedC ]. Qed.

Lemma clopen0 {T} : @clopen T set0.
Proof. by split; [exact: open0 | exact: closed0]. Qed.

Lemma clopenT {T} : clopen [set: T].
Proof. by split; [exact: openT | exact: closedT]. Qed.

Lemma clopen_comp {T U : topologicalType} (f : T -> U) (A : set U) :
clopen A -> continuous f -> clopen (f @^-1` A).
Proof. by case=> ? ?; split; [ exact: open_comp | exact: closed_comp]. Qed.

Lemma clopen_separatedP {T} (A : set T) : clopen A <-> separated A (~` A).
case=> oA cA; rewrite /separated -((closure_id A).1 cA) setICr; split => //.
by rewrite -((closure_id _).1 (open_closedC oA)) setICr.
case; rewrite ?disjoints_subset => clAA AclA; split.
rewrite -closedC closure_id eqEsubset; split; first exact: subset_closure.
exact: subsetCr.
rewrite closure_id eqEsubset; split => //; first exact: subset_closure.
by rewrite -[x in _ `<=` x]setCK.

Lemma totally_disconnected_cvg {T} (x : T) :
{for x, totally_disconnected T} -> compact [set: T] ->
filter_from [set D | D x /\ clopen D] id --> x.
pose F := filter_from [set D | D x /\ clopen D] id.
have PF : ProperFilter F.
apply: filter_from_proper; first apply: filter_from_filter.
- by exists setT; split => //; exact: clopenT.
- move=> A B [] ? ? [] ? ?; exists (A `&` B); [split |] => //; exact: clopenI.
- by move=> ? [? _]; exists x.
move=> disct cmpT U Ux; rewrite nbhs_simpl -/F; wlog oU : U Ux / open U.
move: Ux; rewrite /= {1}nbhsE => [][] O [] Ox OsubU P; apply: (filterS OsubU).
by apply: P => //; [exact: open_nbhs_nbhs | case: Ox].
have /compact_near_coveringP.1 : compact (~`U).
by apply: (subclosed_compact _ cmpT) => //; exact: open_closedC.
move=> /( _ _ _ (fun C y => ~ C y) (powerset_filter_from_filter PF)); case.
move=> y nUy; have /disct [C [Cx [] ? [] ? ?]] : x != y.
by apply/eqP => E; move: nUy; rewrite -E; apply; apply: nbhs_singleton.
exists (~`C, [set U | U `<=` C]); last by move=> [? ?] [? /subsetC]; exact.
split; first by apply: open_nbhs_nbhs; split => //; exact: closed_openC.
apply/near_powerset_filter_fromP; first by move=> ? ?; exact: subset_trans.
by exists C => //; exists C.
by move=> D [] DF Dsub [C] DC /(_ _ DC) /subsetC2/filterS; apply; exact: DF.

Lemma clopen_countable {T} :
compact [set: T] -> second_countable T -> countable (@clopen T).
move=> cmpT [B []] /fset_subset_countable cntB obase Bbase.
apply/(card_le_trans _ cntB)/pcard_surjP.
pose f := fun (F : {fset set T}) => \bigcup_(x in [set` F]) x; exists f.
move=> D [] oD cD /=; have cmpt : cover_compact D.
by rewrite -compact_cover; exact: (subclosed_compact _ cmpT).
have h (x : T) : exists (V : set T), D x -> B V /\ nbhs x V /\ V `<=` D.
case: (pselect (D x)); last by move=> ?; exists set0.
by rewrite openE in oD => /oD/Bbase [A[] ? ? ?]; exists A.
pose h' z := projT1 (cid (h z)); have [] := @cmpt T D h'.
- by move=> z Dz; apply: obase; have [] := projT2 (cid (h z)) Dz.
- move=> z Dz; exists z => //; apply: nbhs_singleton.
by have [? []] := projT2 (cid (h z)) Dz.
move=> fs fsD DsubC; exists ([fset h' z | z in fs])%fset.
move=> U/imfsetP [z] /fsD /set_mem Dz ->; rewrite inE.
by have [? []] := projT2 (cid (h z)) Dz.
rewrite eqEsubset; split => z.
case=> y /imfsetP [x /fsD/set_mem Dx ->]; move: z.
by have [? []] := projT2 (cid (h x)) Dx.
by move=> /DsubC [y yfs hyz]; exists (h' y) => //; rewrite set_imfset; exists y.

Lemma totally_disconnected_prod (I : choiceType) (T : I -> topologicalType) :
(forall i, @totally_disconnected (T i)) ->
totally_disconnected (product_topologicalType T).
move=> dctTI /= x y /eqP xneqy.
have [i /eqP /dctTI [A] [] Axi [] nAy coA] : exists i, x i <> y i.
by apply/existsNP=> W; exact/xneqy/functional_extensionality_dep.
exists (prod_topo_apply i @^-1` A); split;[|split] => //.
by apply: clopen_comp => //; exact: prod_topo_apply_continuous.

Lemma totally_disconnected_discrete {T} :
discrete_space T -> totally_disconnected T.
move=> dsct x y /eqP xneqy; exists [set x]; split; [|split] => //.
by move=> W; apply: xneqy; rewrite W.
by split => //; [exact: discrete_open | exact: discrete_closed].

End ClopenSets.

(** * Uniform spaces *)

Local Notation "A ^-1" := ([set xy | A (xy.2, xy.1)]) : classical_set_scope.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4760,6 +4876,32 @@ Definition fct_pseudoMetricType_mixin :=
Canonical fct_pseudoMetricType := PseudoMetricType (T -> U) fct_pseudoMetricType_mixin.
End fct_PseudoMetric.

Lemma compact_second_countable {R : realType} {T : pseudoMetricType R} :
compact [set: T] -> second_countable T.
pose f n z : set T := (ball z n.+1%:R^-1)^°.
move=> cmpt; have h n : finSubCover [set: T] (f n) [set: T].
move: cmpt; rewrite compact_cover; apply.
by move=> z _; exact: open_interior.
by move=> z _; exists z => //; exact: (nbhsx_ballx _ n.+1%:R^-1%:pos).
pose h' n := cid (iffLR (exists2P _ _) (h n)).
pose h'' n := projT1 (h' n).
pose B := \bigcup_n (f n) @` [set` h'' n]; exists B; split.
- apply: bigcup_countable => // n _; apply: finite_set_countable.
- by move=> _ [n _ [w wn <-]]; exact: open_interior.
- move=> x V /nbhs_ballP[] _/posnumP[eps] ballsubV.
have [//|N] := @ltr_add_invr R 0 (eps%:num / 2) _; rewrite add0r => deleps.
have [w [wh fx]] : exists w : T, w \in h'' N /\ f N w x.
by have [_ /(_ x) [// | w ? ?]] := projT2 (h' N); exists w.
exists (f N w); split; first by exists N.
by apply: open_nbhs_nbhs; split => //; exact: open_interior.
apply: subset_trans ballsubV => z bz.
rewrite [_%:num]splitr; apply: (@ball_triangle _ _ w).
by apply: (le_ball (ltW deleps)); apply/ball_sym; exact: interior_subset.
by apply: (le_ball (ltW deleps)); exact: interior_subset.

(** ** Complete uniform spaces *)

Definition cauchy {T : uniformType} (F : set (set T)) := (F, F) --> entourage.
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