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update w.r.t. mathcomp master (distinction latticeType /
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affeldt-aist committed Apr 22, 2020
1 parent cf4d167 commit 4d1cc32
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Showing 8 changed files with 27 additions and 18 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion theories/Rstruct.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -254,7 +254,8 @@ move=> x y; case: (Rle_lt_dec x y) => [/RleP -> //|/Rlt_le/RleP ->];
by rewrite orbT.

Canonical R_latticeType := DistrLatticeType R R_total.
Canonical R_latticeType := LatticeType R R_total.
Canonical R_distrLatticeType := DistrLatticeType R R_total.
Canonical R_orderType := OrderType R R_total.
Canonical R_realDomainType := [realDomainType of R].
Canonical R_realFieldType := [realFieldType of R].
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/altreals/distr.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ have ->: (size s = \sum_(i <- undup s) count_mem i s)%N.
by rewrite Monoid.iteropE iter_addn addn0 mul1n.
rewrite [X in (_<=X)%N](bigID (mem J)) /= -ltnS -addSn.
rewrite ltn_addr //= ltnS -big_filter -[X in (_<=X)%N]big_filter.
rewrite leq_eqVlt; apply/orP; left; apply/eqP/eq_big_perm.
rewrite leq_eqVlt; apply/orP; left; apply/eqP/perm_big.
apply/uniq_perm_eq; rewrite ?filter_uniq ?undup_uniq //.
by move=> x; rewrite !mem_filter mem_undup andbC.
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions theories/altreals/realsum.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -374,8 +374,8 @@ rewrite /psum (asboolT (summable_fin f)) (@max_sup _ S).
apply/ubP=> y /imsetbP[J ->]; apply/(big_fset_subset (F := \`|_|)).
by move=> i; rewrite normr_ge0.
by move=> j jJ; apply/in_imfset.
rewrite /S -(big_map val xpredT \`|f|); apply/eq_big_perm.
rewrite /index_enum -!enumT; apply/(perm_eq_trans _ enum_fsetT).
rewrite /S -(big_map val xpredT \`|f|); apply/perm_big.
rewrite /index_enum -!enumT; apply/(perm_trans _ enum_fsetT).
apply/uniq_perm_eq; rewrite ?map_inj_uniq ?enum_uniq //=.
by apply/val_inj. by rewrite -enumT enum_uniq.
move=> i /=; rewrite mem_enum in_imfset //; apply/mapP.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ move=> eq_r ler; set s := RHS; have h J: uniq J -> \sum_(x <- J) `|S x| <= s.
by rewrite normr_eq0 => /ler.
rewrite add0r {}/s -big_filter; set s := filter _ _.
rewrite [X in _<=X](bigID (ssrbool.mem J)) /=.
rewrite (eq_big_perm [seq x <- r | x \in J]) /=.
rewrite (perm_big [seq x <- r | x \in J]) /=.
apply/uniq_perm_eq; rewrite ?filter_uniq // => x.
by rewrite !mem_filter andbC.
by rewrite big_filter ler_addl sumr_ge0.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ have uqpJ: uniq (pmap h' [seq j | j <- J & S j != 0]).
exists (pmap h' [seq j | j <- J & S j != 0]) => //.
apply/eqP; rewrite -(big_map h predT \`|S|) (bigID [pred j | S j == 0]) /=.
rewrite big1 ?add0r => [i /eqP->|]; first by rewrite normr0.
rewrite -big_filter; apply/eq_big_perm/uniq_perm_eq.
rewrite -big_filter; apply/perm_big/uniq_perm_eq.
+ by rewrite filter_uniq.
+ rewrite map_inj_in_uniq // !map_id => y1 y2 h1 h2.
move/(congr1 h'); rewrite !hP ?PS //; last by case.
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions theories/altreals/xfinmap.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra.
From mathcomp Require Export finmap.
From mathcomp Require Export finmap bigop.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Lemma big_seq_fset_cond (T : choiceType) (s : seq T) P F : uniq s ->
\big[*%M/1]_(x : [fset x in s] | P (val x)) F (val x)
= \big[*%M/1]_(x <- s | P x) F x.
move=> eq_s; rewrite big_fset_seq_cond; apply/eq_big_perm.
move=> eq_s; rewrite big_fset_seq_cond; apply/perm_big.
by apply/uniq_perm_eq=> //= x; rewrite in_fset.

Expand All @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Lemma big_fsetU (A B : {fset T}) F : [disjoint A & B] ->
op (\big[op/idx]_(j : A) F (val j))
(\big[op/idx]_(j : B) F (val j)).
move=> dj_AB; rewrite !big_fset_seq -big_cat; apply/eq_big_perm.
move=> dj_AB; rewrite !big_fset_seq -big_cat; apply/perm_big.
apply/uniq_perm_eq=> //.
+ rewrite cat_uniq ?uniq_fset_keys !(andbT, andTb); apply/hasPn => x /=.
by apply/fdisjointP; rewrite fdisjoint_sym.
Expand All @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Proof.
move=> ge0_F le_IJ; rewrite !big_fset_seq /=.
rewrite [X in _<=X](bigID [pred j : T | j \in I]) /=.
rewrite ler_paddr ?sumr_ge0 // -[X in _<=X]big_filter.
rewrite le_eqVlt; apply/orP; left; apply/eqP/eq_big_perm.
rewrite le_eqVlt; apply/orP; left; apply/eqP/perm_big.
apply/uniq_perm_eq; rewrite ?filter_uniq //; last move=> i.
rewrite mem_filter; case/boolP: (_ \in _) => //=.
by move/le_IJ => ->.
Expand All @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ Lemma big_nat_mkfset (F : nat -> R) n :
\sum_(0 <= i < n) F i =
\sum_(i : [fset x in (iota 0 n)]) F (val i).
rewrite -(big_map val xpredT) /=; apply/eq_big_perm.
rewrite -(big_map val xpredT) /=; apply/perm_big.
apply/uniq_perm_eq; rewrite ?iota_uniq //.
rewrite map_inj_uniq /=; last apply/val_inj.
by rewrite /index_enum -enumT enum_uniq.
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions theories/ereal.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -214,9 +214,12 @@ Lemma le_total_ereal : total (@le_ereal R).
Proof. by case=> [?||][?||] //=; exact: le_total. Qed.

Definition ereal_latticeMixin :=
DistrLatticeMixin min_erealC max_erealC min_erealA max_erealA
joinKI_ereal meetKU_ereal leEmeet_ereal meetUl_ereal.
Canonical ereal_latticeType := DistrLatticeType {ereal R} ereal_latticeMixin.
LatticeMixin min_erealC max_erealC min_erealA max_erealA
joinKI_ereal meetKU_ereal leEmeet_ereal.
Canonical ereal_latticeType := LatticeType {ereal R} ereal_latticeMixin.
Definition ereal_distrLatticeMixin := DistrLatticeMixin meetUl_ereal.
Canonical ereal_distrLatticeType :=
DistrLatticeType {ereal R} ereal_distrLatticeMixin.
Canonical ereal_orderType := OrderType {ereal R} le_total_ereal.

End ERealOrder_realDomainType.
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion theories/posnum.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ Canonical posnum_porderType := POrderType ring_display {posnum R} posnum_porderM
Lemma posnum_le_total : totalPOrderMixin [porderType of {posnum R}].
Proof. by move=> x y; apply/real_comparable; apply/gtr0_real/posnum_gt0. Qed.

Canonical posnum_latticeType := DistrLatticeType {posnum R} posnum_le_total.
Canonical posnum_latticeType := LatticeType {posnum R} posnum_le_total.
Canonical posnum_distrLatticeType := DistrLatticeType {posnum R} posnum_le_total.
Canonical posnum_orderType := OrderType {posnum R} posnum_le_total.

End Order.
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion theories/prodnormedzmodule.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ Canonical nngnum_porderType :=
Lemma nngnum_le_total : totalPOrderMixin [porderType of {nonneg R}].
Proof. by move=> x y; apply/real_comparable; apply/ger0_real. Qed.

Canonical nngnum_latticeType := DistrLatticeType {nonneg R} nngnum_le_total.
Canonical nngnum_latticeType := LatticeType {nonneg R} nngnum_le_total.
Canonical nngnum_distrLatticeType := DistrLatticeType {nonneg R} nngnum_le_total.
Canonical nngnum_orderType := OrderType {nonneg R} nngnum_le_total.

End Order.
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions theories/reals.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,7 +115,8 @@ Definition pack b0 (m0 : mixin_of (@Num.ArchimedeanField.Pack T b0)) :=
Definition eqType := @Equality.Pack cT xclass.
Definition choiceType := @Choice.Pack cT xclass.
Definition porderType := @Order.POrder.Pack ring_display cT xclass.
Definition latticeType := @Order.DistrLattice.Pack ring_display cT xclass.
Definition latticeType := @Order.Lattice.Pack ring_display cT xclass.
Definition distrLatticeType := @Order.DistrLattice.Pack ring_display cT xclass.
Definition orderType := @Order.Total.Pack ring_display cT xclass.
Definition zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack cT xclass.
Definition ringType := @GRing.Ring.Pack cT xclass.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,8 +148,10 @@ Coercion choiceType : type >-> Choice.type.
Canonical choiceType.
Coercion porderType : type >-> Order.POrder.type.
Canonical porderType.
Coercion latticeType : type >-> Order.DistrLattice.type.
Coercion latticeType : type >-> Order.Lattice.type.
Canonical latticeType.
Coercion distrLatticeType : type >-> Order.DistrLattice.type.
Canonical distrLatticeType.
Coercion orderType : type >-> Order.Total.type.
Canonical orderType.
Coercion zmodType : type >-> GRing.Zmodule.type.
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