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mkerjean committed May 26, 2020
1 parent 90cc8e8 commit 2c5886e
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Showing 2 changed files with 58 additions and 79 deletions.
43 changes: 17 additions & 26 deletions theories/holomorphy.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,56 +21,47 @@ file depends on *)

Definition complex_lmodMixin (R : rcfType):=
(@numfield_lmodMixin (ComplexField.complex_numFieldType R)).
Canonical complex_lmodType (R : rcfType) := [lmodType R[i] of R[i] for [lmodType R[i] of [numFieldType of R[i]]]].

Definition complex_lmodType (R : rcfType) :=
LmodType R[i] R[i] (complex_lmodMixin R).
Canonical complex_lmodType.
Canonical complex_lalgType (R : rcfType) :=
[lalgType R[i] of R[i] for [lalgType R[i] of [numFieldType of R[i]]]].

Definition complex_lalgType (R : rcfType) :=
LalgType R[i] R[i] (@mulrA (ComplexField.complex_ringType R)).
Canonical complex_lalgType.

Lemma scalerCAcomplex (R: rcfType) (x y z : R[i]) : x *: (y * z) = y * (x *: z).
by rewrite -!numfield_scale_mul mulrA mulrA [in _ * y]mulrC.

Canonical complex_algType (R : rcfType) := AlgType R[i] R[i] (@scalerCAcomplex R).
Canonical complex_algType (R : rcfType) :=
[algType R[i] of R[i] for [algType R[i] of [numFieldType of R[i]]]].

End complexLmod.

Section complex_topological. (*New *)
Variable R : rcfType.

Canonical numFieldType_pointedType :=
[pointedType of R[i] for pointed_of_zmodule (ComplexField.complex_zmodType R)].
[pointedType of R[i] for [pointedType of [numFieldType of R[i]]]].
Canonical numFieldType_filteredType :=
[filteredType R[i] of R[i] for filtered_of_normedZmod (ComplexField.complex_normedZmodType R)].
Canonical numFieldType_topologicalType : topologicalType := TopologicalType R[i]
(topologyOfBallMixin (pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain [normedZmodType R[i] of R[i]])).
[filteredType R[i] of R[i] for [filteredType R[i] of [numFieldType of R[i]]]].

Canonical complex_pseudoMetricType := PseudoMetricType R[i]
(@pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain (ComplexField.complex_numFieldType R)
(ComplexField.complex_normedZmodType R)).
Canonical numFieldType_topologicalType : topologicalType :=
[topologicalType of R[i] for [topologicalType of [numFieldType of R[i]]]].
Canonical complex_pseudoMetricType :=
[pseudoMetricType [numDomainType of R[i]] of R[i] for
[pseudoMetricType [numDomainType of R[i]] of [numFieldType of R[i]]]].

Canonical complex_PseudoMetricNormedZmodule :=
[pseudoMetricNormedZmodType [numDomainType of R[i]] of R[i] for
[pseudoMetricNormedZmodType [numDomainType of R[i]] of [numFieldType of R[i]]]].

Lemma complex_nb : ball = ball_ (fun (x : R[i]) => `| x |).
Proof. by []. Qed.

Definition complex_PseudoMetricNormedZmodulemixin :=
PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.Mixin complex_nb.

Definition complex_PseudoMetricNormedZmodule :=
PseudoMetricNormedZmodType R[i] R[i] complex_PseudoMetricNormedZmodulemixin.

Canonical complex_PseudoMetricNormedZmodule.

(* Canonical complex_normedModType := (* makes is_cvg_scaler fail ?! *) *)
(* NormedModType R[i] (numfield_lmodType (ComplexField.complex_numFieldType R)) *)
(* (numField_normedModMixin (ComplexField.complex_numFieldType R)). *)

(* Variables (K : numFieldType) (V : normedModType K) ( k : K) ( x y : V). *)
(* Fail Check (k *: y). Check NormedModule.lmodType. *)
(* Fail Check (k *: y). Check NormedModule.lmodType. *)
(* Check (k *: (y: NormedModule.lmodType V)). *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,7 +191,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma gt0_normc (r : C) : 0 < r -> r = (normc r)%:C.
move=> r0; have rr : r \is Num.real by rewrite realE (ltW r0).
rewrite /normc (complexE r) /=; simpc.
rewrite /normc (complexE r) /=; simpc.
rewrite (ger0_Im (ltW r0)) expr0n addr0 sqrtr_sqr gtr0_norm ?complexr0 //.
by move: r0; rewrite {1}(complexE r) /=; simpc => /andP[/eqP].
Expand Down
94 changes: 41 additions & 53 deletions theories/normedtype.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ Definition pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain
:= PseudoMetricMixin ball_norm_center ball_norm_symmetric ball_norm_triangle erefl.
End pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain.

Canonical pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain. (* new. ok ? *)
Canonical pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain. (* new. ok ? *)

Section vecspace_of_numfield. (*NEW*)
(*Redundant with ^o *)
Expand All @@ -145,21 +145,22 @@ Definition numfield_lmodMixin :=
mkMixin (@GRing.mulrA K) (@GRing.mul1r K) (@GRing.mulrDr K)
(fun v a b => GRing.mulrDl a b v).
Canonical numfield_lmodType := LmodType K K numfield_lmodMixin.
Canonical numfield_regular_lalgType := LalgType K K (@GRing.mulrA _).
(*Not enough to to make _*_ and _*:_ definitionnaly equal *) (*TODO *)
End vecspace_of_numfield.

Section pseudoMetric_of_normedDomainnumField. (*NEW *)
Variables (K : numFieldType) (R : normedZmodType K).
Canonical normedZmodType_pointedType :=
[pointedType of R for pointed_of_zmodule R].
Canonical normedZmodType_filteredType :=
[filteredType R of R for filtered_of_normedZmod R].
Canonical normedZmodType_topologicalType : topologicalType :=
TopologicalType R (topologyOfBallMixin (pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain R)).
Canonical normedZmodtype_pseudoMetricType := @PseudoMetric.Pack K R
(@PseudoMetric.Class K R (Topological.class normedZmodType_topologicalType) (@pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain K R)).
End pseudoMetric_of_normedDomainnumField.
Canonical numfield_lalgType := LalgType K K (@GRing.mulrA _).

Lemma numfield_scale_mul :
forall x y : K, x * y = x *: y. (*TODO: naming *)
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma scalerCA_numField (x y z : K) :
x *: (y * z) = y * (x *: z).
by rewrite -!numfield_scale_mul mulrA mulrA [in _ * y]mulrC.

Canonical numfield_algType := AlgType K K (scalerCA_numField).

End vecspace_of_numfield.

Section numField_canonical. (*New *)
Expand All @@ -172,41 +173,26 @@ Canonical numFieldType_filteredType :=
Canonical numFieldType_topologicalType : topologicalType := TopologicalType R
(topologyOfBallMixin (pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain [normedZmodType R of R])).
Canonical numFieldType_pseudoMetricType := @PseudoMetric.Pack R R
(@PseudoMetric.Class R R (Topological.class numFieldType_topologicalType) (@pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain R R)).
Definition numFieldType_lalgType : lalgType R := @GRing.regular_lalgType R.
(@PseudoMetric.Class R R (Topological.class numFieldType_topologicalType)
(@pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain R R)).
End numField_canonical.

Section realField_canonical. (*New *)
Variable R : realFieldType.
Variable R : realFieldType. Check [numFieldType of R].
Canonical realFieldType_pointedType :=
[pointedType of R for pointed_of_zmodule R].
[pointedType of R for [pointedType of [numFieldType of R]]].
Canonical realFieldType_filteredType :=
[filteredType R of R for filtered_of_normedZmod R].
Canonical realFieldType_topologicalType : topologicalType := TopologicalType R
(topologyOfBallMixin (pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain [normedZmodType R of R])).
Canonical realFieldType_pseudoMetricType := @PseudoMetric.Pack R R
(@PseudoMetric.Class R R
(Topological.class realFieldType_topologicalType)
(@pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain R R)).
Definition realFieldType_lalgType : lalgType R := @GRing.regular_lalgType R.
End realField_canonical.
[filteredType _ of R for [filteredType R of [numFieldType of _]]].

Canonical realFieldType_topologicalType : topologicalType :=
[topologicalType of R for [topologicalType of [numFieldType of R]]].
Canonical realFieldType_pseudoMetricType :=
[pseudoMetricType _ of R for
[pseudoMetricType _ of [numFieldType of R]]].

Section rcfType_canonical. (* NEW *)
Variable (K : rcfType).
Canonical realField_lmodType := [lmodType R of R for [lmodType _ of [numFieldType of R]]].

Canonical rcfType_pointedType :=
[pointedType of K for pointed_of_zmodule K].
Canonical rcfType_filteredType := [filteredType K of K for filtered_of_normedZmod K].
Canonical rcfType_topologicalType := TopologicalType K
(topologyOfBallMixin (pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain [normedZmodType K of K])).
Canonical rcfType_pseudoMetricType := @PseudoMetric.Pack K K
(@PseudoMetric.Class K K (Topological.class rcfType_topologicalType) (@pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain K K )).

(* Canonical rcfType_lmodType := . *) (*TODO *)
(* Canonical rcfType_normedModType := . *)

End rcfType_canonical.
End realField_canonical.

Canonical R_pointedType := [pointedType of
Expand All @@ -220,7 +206,7 @@ Canonical R_pseudoMetricType : pseudoMetricType R_numDomainType :=
PseudoMetricType Rdefinitions.R (pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain R_normedZmodType).

(*Do we need the following ? Not sure*)
Section numFieldType_vec_canonical. (*Modified *)
Section numFieldType_regular_canonical. (*Modified *)
Variable R : numFieldType.
(*Canonical topological_of_numFieldType := [numFieldType of R^o].*)
Canonical numFieldType_vec_pointedType :=
Expand All @@ -233,11 +219,9 @@ Canonical numFieldType_vec_pseudoMetricType := @PseudoMetric.Pack R R^o
(@PseudoMetric.Class R R
(Topological.class numFieldType_vec_topologicalType)
(@pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain R R)).
End numFieldType_vec_canonical.
End numFieldType_regular_canonical.

Lemma numfield_scale_mul (K : numFieldType) : forall x y : K, x * y = x *: y. (*TODO: naming *)
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma locallyN (R : numFieldType) (x : R) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,6 +386,9 @@ Canonical numFieldType_pseudoMetricNormedZmodType :=
@PseudoMetricNormedZmodType R R numFieldType_pseudoMetricNormedZmodMixin.
End numFieldType_canonical_contd.

Canonical realFieldType_PseudoMetricNormedZmodule (R: realFieldType) := (*New*)
[pseudoMetricNormedZmodType _ of R for
[pseudoMetricNormedZmodType _ of [numFieldType of R]]].
(** locally *)

Section Locally.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -511,8 +498,8 @@ rewrite /= opprD addrA subrr distrC subr0 ger0_norm //.
by rewrite {2}(splitr e%:num) ltr_spaddl.

Global Instance Proper_locally'_realType (R : realType) (x : R^o) : (* TODO: ^o out*)
ProperFilter (locally' x).
Global Instance Proper_locally'_realType (R : realType) (x : R^o) :
ProperFilter (locally' x). (* TODO: ^o out, need normedmodtype to deal with locally'?*)
Proof. exact: Proper_locally'_numFieldType. Qed.

(** * Some Topology on [Rbar] *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2019,7 +2006,7 @@ Canonical AbsRing_NormedModType (K : absRingType) :=

Section NormedMod_of_numfield. (* NEW !*)
Section NormedMod_of_numfield. (* NEW !*) (*TODO: correct *)

Lemma numField_normZ (R : numFieldType) (l : R) (x : R) :
`| l *: x | = `| l | * `| x |.
Expand All @@ -2041,14 +2028,15 @@ Definition numField_normedModMixin := NormedModMixin (@numField_normZ R).
Definition numField_normedModType :=
NormedModType R (numfield_lmodType R) numField_normedModMixin.

(*TODO: if numField_normedModType is canonical the lmodType structure on any
End NormedMod_of_numfield.

(* TODO : if numField_normedModType is canonical the lmodType structure on any
(V : normedModType R ) fails *)

(* Canonical numField_normedModType. *)
(* Variables (V : normedModType R) (x : R) (w : V). *)
(* Variables (R : numFieldType) (V : normedModType R) (x : R) (w : V). *)
(* Fail Check (x *: w). *)

End NormedMod_of_numfield.

(** Normed vector spaces have some continuous functions *)
Expand Down

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