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subspace open map (#747)
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zstone1 authored Sep 25, 2022
1 parent dc56124 commit 116916e
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Showing 2 changed files with 44 additions and 31 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+ lemmas `fine_le`, `fine_lt`, `fine_abse`, `abse_fin_num`
- in `lebesgue_integral.v`
+ lemmas `integral_fune_lt_pinfty`, `integral_fune_fin_num`
+ lemma `weak_subspace_open`

### Changed

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74 changes: 43 additions & 31 deletions theories/topology.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5656,42 +5656,38 @@ Qed.

Lemma open_subspaceP (U : set T) :
open (U : set (subspace A)) <->
exists V, (open (V : set T)) /\ V `&` A = U `&` A.
exists V, open (V : set T) /\ V `&` A = U `&` A.
split; first last.
case=> V [oV UV]; rewrite -open_subspaceIT -UV.
move=> x //= []; case: nbhs_subspaceP => //=; rewrite withinE /=.
move=> ? ? _; exists V; last by rewrite -setIA setIid.
by move: oV; rewrite openE /interior; apply.
split=> [|[V [oV UV]]]; first last.
rewrite -open_subspaceIT -UV => x //= []; case: nbhs_subspaceP => //=.
rewrite withinE /= => Ax Vx _; exists V; last by rewrite -setIA setIid.
by move: oV; rewrite openE; exact.
rewrite -open_subspaceIT => oUA.
have oxF : (forall (x : T), (U `&` A) x ->
exists V, (open_nbhs (x : T) V) /\ (V `&` A `<=` U `&` A)).
move=> x /[dup] UAx /= [??]; move: (oUA _ UAx); case: nbhs_subspaceP => // ?.
rewrite withinE /= => [[V nbhsV UV]]; rewrite -setIA setIid in UV.
exists V^°; split; first rewrite open_nbhsE; first split => //.
- exact: open_interior.
- exact: nbhs_interior.
- by rewrite UV=> t [/interior_subset] ??; split.
pose f (x : T) :=
if pselect ((U `&` A) x) is left e then projT1 (cid (oxF x e)) else set0.
set V := \bigcup_(x in (U `&` A)) (f x); exists V; split.
apply: bigcup_open => i UAi; rewrite /f; case: pselect => // ?; case: (cid _).
by move=> //= W; rewrite open_nbhsE=> -[[]].
rewrite eqEsubset /V /f; split.
move=> t [[u]] UAu /=; case: pselect => //= ?.
by case: (cid _) => //= W [] _ + ? ?; apply; split.
move=> t UAt; split => //; last by case: UAt.
exists t => //; case: pselect => //= [[? ?]].
by case: (cid _) => //= W [] [] _.
have oxF x : (U `&` A) x -> exists2 V, open_nbhs x V & V `&` A `<=` U `&` A.
move=> /[dup] UAx [Ux Ax]; move: (oUA _ UAx); case: nbhs_subspaceP => // _.
rewrite withinE /= => -[V nbhsV]; rewrite -setIA setIid => UV.
exists V^°; rewrite ?open_nbhsE.
- by split; [exact: open_interior|exact: nbhs_interior].
- by rewrite UV => t [/interior_subset].
pose f x :=
if pselect ((U `&` A) x) is left e then projT1 (cid2 (oxF x e)) else set0.
exists (\bigcup_(x in U `&` A) f x); split.
apply: bigcup_open => i UAi; rewrite /f; case: pselect => // ?.
by case: (cid2 _) => //= W; rewrite open_nbhsE => -[].
rewrite eqEsubset /f; split.
move=> t [[u UAu]] /=; case: pselect => //= ?.
by case: (cid2 _) => /= W _ + ? ?; exact.
move=> t UAt; split; last by case: UAt.
by exists t => //; case: pselect => //= -[Ut At]; case: (cid2 _) => //= W [].

Lemma closed_subspaceP (U : set T) :
closed (U : set (subspace A)) <->
exists V, (closed (V : set T)) /\ V `&` A = U `&` A.
exists V, closed (V : set T) /\ V `&` A = U `&` A.
rewrite -openC open_subspaceP.
under [X in _ <-> X] eq_exists => V do rewrite -openC.
by split; move=> [V [? VU]]; exists (~` V); split; rewrite ?setCK //;
by split => -[V [? VU]]; exists (~` V); split; rewrite ?setCK //;
move/(congr1 setC): VU; rewrite ?eqEsubset ?setCI ?setCK; firstorder.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5819,11 +5815,11 @@ rewrite continuous_subspace_in ?in_setP => ctsf t At.
by apply continuous_subspaceT_for => //=; apply: ctsf.

Lemma continuous_subspaceT{U} A (f : T -> U) :
Lemma continuous_subspaceT {U} A (f : T -> U) :
continuous f -> {within A, continuous f}.
move=> ctsf; rewrite continuous_subspace_in => ? ?.
exact: continuous_in_subspaceT => ? ?.
move=> ctsf; rewrite continuous_subspace_in => ? ?.
exact: continuous_in_subspaceT.

Lemma continuous_open_subspace {U} A (f : T -> U) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5972,10 +5968,26 @@ by case: ifP => /asboolP.

Canonical subspace_pseudoMetricType :=
PseudoMetricType (subspace A) subspace_pseudoMetricType_mixin.
PseudoMetricType (subspace A) subspace_pseudoMetricType_mixin.

End SubspacePseudoMetric.

Section SubspaceWeak.
Context {T : topologicalType} {U : pointedType}.
Variables (f : U -> T).

Let U' := weak_topologicalType f.

Lemma weak_subspace_open (A : set U') :
open A -> open (f @` A : set (subspace (range f))).
case=> B oB <-; apply/open_subspaceP; exists B; split => //; rewrite eqEsubset.
split => z [] /[swap]; first by case=> w _ <- ?; split; exists w.
by case=> w _ <- [v] ? <-.

End SubspaceWeak.

Lemma continuous_compact {T U : topologicalType} (f : T -> U) A :
{within A, continuous f} -> compact A -> compact (f @` A).
Expand Down

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