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affeldt-aist committed Apr 14, 2023
1 parent 4b0c430 commit 06adee5
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Showing 2 changed files with 14 additions and 127 deletions.
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,12 +88,6 @@
+ lemma `ae_ge0_le_integral`
+ lemma `ae_eq_refl`
- file `probability.v`:
+ mixin `isLfun`, structure `Lfun`, notation `LfunType`
+ canonicals `Lfun_eqType`, `Lfun_choiceType`, `Lequiv_canonical`
+ definition `LType`
+ definitions `Lequiv`, `LspaceType`
+ definition `Lspace`, notation `.-Lspace`
+ lemmas `LequivP`, `LType1_integrable`, `LType2_integrable_sqr`
+ definition `random_variable`, notation `{RV _ >-> _}`
+ lemmas `notin_range_measure`, `probability_range`
+ definition `distribution`, instance of `isProbability`
Expand Down
135 changes: 14 additions & 121 deletions theories/probability.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,10 +13,6 @@ Require Import exp.
(* This file provides basic notions of probability theory. See measure.v for *)
(* the type probability T R (a measure that sums to 1). *)
(* *)
(* LfunType mu p == type of measurable functions f such that the *)
(* integral of |f| ^ p is finite *)
(* LType mu p == type of the elements of the Lp space *)
(* mu.-Lspace p == Lp space *)
(* {RV P >-> R} == real random variable: a measurable function from *)
(* the measurableType of the probability P to R *)
(* distribution X == measure image of P by X : {RV P -> R}, declared *)
Expand All @@ -35,7 +31,6 @@ Require Import exp.
Reserved Notation "'{' 'RV' P >-> R '}'"
(at level 0, format "'{' 'RV' P '>->' R '}'").
Reserved Notation "''E_' P [ X ]" (format "''E_' P [ X ]", at level 5).
Reserved Notation "mu .-Lspace p" (at level 4, format "mu .-Lspace p").
Reserved Notation "''V_' P [ X ]" (format "''V_' P [ X ]", at level 5).
Reserved Notation "{ 'dmfun' aT >-> T }"
(at level 0, format "{ 'dmfun' aT >-> T }").
Expand All @@ -52,106 +47,6 @@ Import numFieldTopology.Exports.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.

HB.mixin Record isLfun d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType)
(mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}) (p : R) (f : T -> R) := {
measurable_lfun : measurable_fun [set: T] f ;
lfuny : (\int[mu]_x (`|f x| `^ p)%:E < +oo)%E

HB.structure Definition Lfun d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType)
(mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}) (p : R) :=
{f : T -> R & isLfun d T R mu p f}.

#[global] Hint Resolve measurable_lfun : core.
Arguments lfuny {d} {T} {R} {mu} {p} _.
#[global] Hint Resolve lfuny : core.

Section Lfun_canonical.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variables (mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}) (p : R).

Canonical Lfun_eqType := EqType (LfunType mu p) gen_eqMixin.
Canonical Lfun_choiceType := ChoiceType (LfunType mu p) gen_choiceMixin.
End Lfun_canonical.

Section Lequiv.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variables (mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}) (p : R).

Definition Lequiv (f g : LfunType mu p) := `[< {ae mu, forall x, f x = g x} >].

Let Lequiv_refl : reflexive Lequiv.
by move=> f; exact/asboolP/(ae_imply _ (ae_eq_refl mu setT (EFin \o f))).

Let Lequiv_sym : symmetric Lequiv.
by move=> f g; apply/idP/idP => /asboolP h; apply/asboolP; exact: ae_imply h.

Let Lequiv_trans : transitive Lequiv.
move=> f g h /asboolP gf /asboolP fh; apply/asboolP/(ae_imply2 _ gf fh).
by move=> x ->.

Canonical Lequiv_canonical :=
EquivRel Lequiv Lequiv_refl Lequiv_sym Lequiv_trans.

Local Open Scope quotient_scope.

Definition LspaceType := {eq_quot Lequiv}.
Canonical LspaceType_quotType := [quotType of LspaceType].
Canonical LspaceType_eqType := [eqType of LspaceType].
Canonical LspaceType_choiceType := [choiceType of LspaceType].
Canonical LspaceType_eqQuotType := [eqQuotType Lequiv of LspaceType].

Lemma LequivP (f g : LfunType mu p) :
reflect {ae mu, forall x, f x = g x} (f == g %[mod LspaceType]).
Proof. by apply/(iffP idP); rewrite eqmodE// => /asboolP. Qed.

Record LType := MemLType { Lfun_class : LspaceType }.
Coercion LfunType_of_LType (f : LType) : LfunType mu p :=
repr (Lfun_class f).

End Lequiv.

Section Lspace.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).
Variable mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}.

Definition Lspace p := [set: LType mu p].
Arguments Lspace : clear implicits.

Lemma LType1_integrable (f : LType mu 1) : mu.-integrable setT (EFin \o f).
split; first exact/EFin_measurable_fun.
under eq_integral.
move=> x _ /=.
rewrite -(@powere_pose1 _ `|f x|%:E)//.
exact: lfuny f.

Lemma LType2_integrable_sqr (f : LType mu 2) :
mu.-integrable [set: T] (EFin \o (fun x => f x ^+ 2)).
split; first exact/EFin_measurable_fun/measurable_fun_exprn.
rewrite (le_lt_trans _ (lfuny f))// ge0_le_integral//.
- apply: measurable_funT_comp => //.
- by move=> x _; rewrite lee_fin power_pos_ge0.
- apply/EFin_measurable_fun.
under eq_fun do rewrite power_pos_mulrn//.
- by move=> t _/=; rewrite lee_fin normrX power_pos_mulrn.

End Lspace.
Notation "mu .-Lspace p" := (@Lspace _ _ _ mu p) : type_scope.

Definition random_variable (d : _) (T : measurableType d) (R : realType)
(P : probability T R) := {mfun T >-> R}.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,7 +114,7 @@ Definition expectation (X : T -> R) := \int[P]_w (X w)%:E.

End expectation.
Arguments expectation {d T R} P _%R.
Notation "''E_' P [ X ]" := (@expectation _ _ _ P X).
Notation "''E_' P [ X ]" := (@expectation _ _ _ P X) : ereal_scope.

Section expectation_lemmas.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,10 +181,7 @@ Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType) (P : probability T R).
Definition variance (X : T -> R) := 'E_P[(X \- cst (fine 'E_P[X])) ^+ 2]%R.
Local Notation "''V_' P [ X ]" := (variance X).

(* TODO: since for finite measures L^1 <= L^2, the first hypo is redundant,
the proof of this fact is the purpose of an on-going PR*)
Lemma varianceE (X : {RV P >-> R}) :
(* TODO: check what happens when X is not integrable *)
P.-integrable setT (EFin \o X) -> P.-integrable setT (EFin \o (X ^+ 2)%R) ->
'V_P[X] = 'E_P[X ^+ 2] - ('E_P[X]) ^+ 2.
Expand All @@ -301,12 +193,12 @@ rewrite [X in 'E_P[X]](_ : _ = (X ^+ 2 \- (2 * fine 'E_P[X]) \o* X \+
by apply/funeqP => x /=; rewrite -expr2 sqrrB mulr_natl -mulrnAr mul1r fineM.
rewrite expectationD/=; last 2 first.
- rewrite compreBr; last by [].
apply: integrableB; [exact: measurableT|assumption|].
apply: integrableB; [exact: measurableT|by []|].
by rewrite compre_scale; [exact: integrablerM|by []].
- rewrite compre_scale; last by [].
apply: integrablerM; first exact: measurableT.
exact: finite_measure_integrable_cst.
rewrite expectationB/=; [|assumption|]; last first.
rewrite expectationB/=; [|by []|]; last first.
by rewrite compre_scale; [exact: integrablerM|by []].
rewrite expectationM// expectationM; last exact: finite_measure_integrable_cst.
rewrite expectation_cst mule1 EFinM fineK// fineK ?fin_numM// -muleA -expe2.
Expand All @@ -323,6 +215,7 @@ rewrite /variance expectation_cst/=.
rewrite [X in 'E_P[X]](_ : _ = cst 0%R) ?expectation_cst//.
by apply/funext => x; rewrite /GRing.exp/GRing.mul/= subrr mulr0.

End variance.
Notation "'V_ P [ X ]" := (variance P X).

Expand All @@ -349,7 +242,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma chebyshev (X : {RV P >-> R}) (eps : R) : (0 < eps)%R ->
P [set x | (eps <= `| X x - fine ('E_P[X])|)%R ] <= (eps ^- 2)%:E * 'V_P[X].
move => heps; have [->|hv] := eqVneq ('V_P[X])%E +oo%E.
move => heps; have [->|hv] := eqVneq 'V_P[X] +oo.
by rewrite mulr_infty gtr0_sg ?mul1e// ?leey// invr_gt0// exprn_gt0.
have h (Y : {RV P >-> R}) :
P [set x | (eps <= `|Y x|)%R] <= (eps ^- 2)%:E * 'E_P[Y ^+ 2].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -461,7 +354,7 @@ rewrite mule0 (disjoints_subset _ _).2 ?preimage_set0 ?measure0//.
by apply: subsetCr; rewrite sub1set inE.

Lemma sum_enum_prob : (\sum_(n <oo) (enum_prob X) n = 1)%E.
Lemma sum_enum_prob : \sum_(n <oo) (enum_prob X) n = 1.
have := distribution_dRV measurableT.
rewrite probability_setT/= => /esym; apply: eq_trans.
Expand All @@ -471,10 +364,12 @@ Qed.
End distribution_dRV.

Section discrete_distribution.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType) (P : probability T R).

Lemma dRV_expectation (X : {dRV P >-> R}) : P.-integrable [set: T] (EFin \o X) ->
'E_P[X] = (\sum_(n <oo) enum_prob X n * (dRV_enum X n)%:E)%E.
Lemma dRV_expectation (X : {dRV P >-> R}) :
P.-integrable [set: T] (EFin \o X) ->
'E_P[X] = \sum_(n <oo) enum_prob X n * (dRV_enum X n)%:E.
move=> ix; rewrite /expectation.
rewrite -[in LHS](_ : \bigcup_k (if k \in dRV_dom X then
Expand All @@ -496,14 +391,14 @@ rewrite integral_bigcup //; last 2 first.
- apply: (integrableS measurableT) => //.
by rewrite -bigcup_mkcond; exact: bigcup_measurable.
transitivity (\sum_(i <oo)
\int[P]_(x in (if i \in dRV_dom X then X @^-1` [set dRV_enum X i] else set0))
(dRV_enum X i)%:E)%E.
\int[P]_(x in (if i \in dRV_dom X then X @^-1` [set dRV_enum X i] else set0))
(dRV_enum X i)%:E).
apply: eq_eseriesr => i _; case: ifPn => iX.
by apply: eq_integral => t; rewrite in_setE/= => ->.
by rewrite !integral_set0.
transitivity (\sum_(i <oo) (dRV_enum X i)%:E *
\int[P]_(x in (if i \in dRV_dom X then X @^-1` [set dRV_enum X i] else set0))
\int[P]_(x in (if i \in dRV_dom X then X @^-1` [set dRV_enum X i] else set0))
apply: eq_eseriesr => i _; rewrite -integralM//; last 2 first.
- by case: ifPn.
- split; first exact: measurable_fun_cst.
Expand All @@ -520,7 +415,6 @@ Qed.

Definition pmf (X : {RV P >-> R}) (r : R) : R := fine (P (X @^-1` [set r])).

Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Lemma expectation_pmf (X : {dRV P >-> R}) :
P.-integrable [set: T] (EFin \o X) -> 'E_P[X] =
\sum_(n <oo | n \in dRV_dom X) (pmf X (dRV_enum X n))%:E * (dRV_enum X n)%:E.
Expand All @@ -530,6 +424,5 @@ apply: eq_eseriesr => k _.
rewrite /enum_prob patchE; case: ifPn => kX; last by rewrite mul0e.
by rewrite /pmf fineK// fin_num_measure.
Local Close Scope ereal_scope.

End discrete_distribution.

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