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Releases: material-components/material-components-android


08 Aug 16:07
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Dependency Updates

  • None


  • Required minSdkVersion is now 21 or higher.

Library Updates

  • A11y
    • Add an accessibility pane title of "Alert" (d7645ae)
  • BottomNavigationView
    • Add item gravity attribute and setter/getter (b34fff3)
    • Add active indicator attributes to change active indicator height, width, and horizontal margins when it is in an expanded state (i.e. when start icon gravity is set to 'start') (b184df6)
    • Fixing bad link in class doc comment (3ea7709)
  • Carousel
    • Fix carousel spamming view re-binding (6b263fa)
  • Catalog
    • Update guidance for Navigation Rail on compact screens. (f14b0c0)
    • Add guidance to use Bottom Navigation Bar on compact screens for Navigation Rail (5d85d6b)
  • Color
    • Replaced computeIfAbsent with equivalent code for API 21 - 23. (703b884)
  • MaterialButton
    • Updated spring specs for responsive touch. (5bcae74)
    • Updated expressive styles color and structure. (75ff33f)
    • Added corner morph. (ef1e1cd)
  • MaterialDatePicker
    • Make picker not final and expose onPositiveButtonClick and onNegativeButtonClick (6617342)
  • NavigationRail
  • ProgressIndicator
    • Fix corner radius calculation (c13fff7)
    • Added APIs to support different wavelength for determinate and indeterminate modes; and renamed confusing APIs. (af95f45)
    • Updated the smoothness of the cubic bezier curve to make the wave more smooth. (f641cd0)
  • Slider
    • Updates tick marks color to fix the contrast in medium / high contrast modes. (968a7ee)
  • Typography
    • Added workaround for fontVariationSettings being set through a TextAppearance (fa5224e)
  • Other
    • Fixed a bug in loading state list corner size. (629e24f)
    • Optimized getOutline(). (e1a103e)
    • Added state list support to shape appearance and corner size. (8e63e7f)
    • Fixed lint error when calling force refresh font variation settings (4abc9c6)
    • Moved unnecessary object from the drawable state. (eb56238)
    • Added state list support to shape appearance and corner size. (2799892)

Full list of changes



09 Jul 17:33
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Dependency Updates

  • None


  • Required minSdkVersion is now 21 or higher.

Library Updates

  • BottomNavigationView
    • Update max item count to 6 (3fbb198)
  • Carousel
    • Remove library group restriction on Uncontained strategy (c714328)
  • CollapsingToolbarLayout
    • Refactor multiline rotation fix to address related issue caused by keyboard (5371290)
  • Color
    • Overloaded on-container colors in light theme for V+ to match the tone with system dynamic colors. (a2b9322)
    • Added Material custom palettes to catalog. (fe8b022)
  • FloatingActionButton
    • Updated catalog content description. (b345f37)
  • MaterialDatePicker
    • Make header not focusable (6862b6f)
    • Prevent empty views at the end of a month to receive key events (86a3b35)
  • NavigationRail
    • Add an attribute to control how we measure the bottom padding of the navigation item (87ab660)
  • NavigationView
    • Fixed item being checked instead of submenu item (3a31eef)
    • Notify each adapter item of a potential change in case there are any item changes (20f92df)
  • ProgressIndicator
    • Fixed that the wavy path isn't cached correctly when initializing with 0 progress. (0f3975d)
  • Search
    • Restore modal for accessibility and back handling state in onAttachedToWindow() and remove modal for accessibility state in onDetachedFromWindow() (34adcb0)
  • TimePicker
    • Prevent setting wrong time while the clock is animating (40cfb07)
  • Tokens
    • Refreshed tokens in version "4.0.0" (61597e1)
  • Typography
    • Add variable font support to TextAppearance (a9debc7)
  • Other
    • Marked library version to 1.13.0-alpha04 (d9a3c6b)
    • Update string translations. (cd0a0f0)
    • Updated minSdkVersion to 21. (51e5cec)

Full list of changes



06 Jun 20:46
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Dependency Updates


Library Updates

  • Badging
    • Removed BadgeUtils.USE_COMPAT_PARENT (28dc750)
    • Added badgeFixedEdge attribute to BadgeDrawable. (9451acd)
  • BottomNavigationView
    • Added new itemIconGravity attribute (abb6e91)
    • Modified NavigationBarView to match more to specs and restructuring layout to prepare for expressive changes (60a525a)
  • BottomSheet
    • Updated to recycle the TypedArray after usage (a89e38c)
  • Catalog
    • Fixed to edge to edge behaviour for catalog (4acd570)
    • Selected text color based on optimal contrast against background (b301a58)
  • CollapsingToolbarLayout
    • Fixed issues related to rotating multiline collapsing toolbars (2bc1a2f)
  • Documentation
    • Updated doc with more info on SearchView EditText and nested content (cb5dc7f)
    • Fixed anchors. (9a39e22)
    • Fixed wrong divider color (fdc7472)
  • MaterialButton
    • Renamed insideCorner to innerCorner. (63bb499)
  • MaterialDatePicker
    • Fixed arrangement of range text fields (501ae36)
  • NavigationRail
    • Added item spacing attribute (99e8044)
    • Added new attributes for NavigationRail to control the top margin of the nav rail content, and the margin in between the optional header and the menu items (801ccab)
  • NavigationView
    • Fixed section label alignment in RTL. (8edae9b)
    • Fixed subheader and divider insets and use relative listPreferredItemPaddings. (26bfdd2)
  • Predictive Back
    • Updated SearchView and NavigationView to unregister back callbacks when detached from window (d13bfdf)
  • ProgressIndicator
    • Fixed ArithmeticException when calculating the phase (ce00ba3)
  • Slider
    • Fixed the handle width when touched in a scrolling container and when more than one handle is in the touch position. (d85b73f)
  • TimePicker
    • Prevent the accumulation of listeners in rotationAnimator (182a507)
  • Other
    • Marked library version to 1.13.0-alpha03. (7eb2d06)
    • Updated string translations (9b6ceac)
    • Removed redundant version checks for api <= 19. (b3fe6a7)

Full list of changes



09 May 16:44
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Dependency Updates

Dependency Previous version New version
androidx.transition 1.5.0-rc01 1.5.0

Library Updates

  • Badging
    • Deprecate autoAdjustToGrandparentBounds attribute since now badges automatically move within first ancestor view that does not clip children (0d265b7)
    • Adjust badges to fit within the bounds of the first ancestor view that clips its children to avoid getting cut off (3880efe)
  • BottomNavigationView
    • Modify test usage to use icon container so we don't have to special case the existence of the icon container (cf143d0)
  • BottomSheet
    • Prevents nested scroll from occurring in a scroll session when the bottom sheet is already being resized. (a7a234b)
  • Chip
    • Update Chip javadoc to reference CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener instead of AppCompatCheckBox.OnCheckedChangeListener. (41eb087)
  • Dialog
    • Temporarily suppress RtlCompat lint for res/layout/mtrl_alert_select_dialog_singlechoice.xml (cadbd6a)
    • Temporarily suppress RtlCompat lint for res/layout/mtrl_alert_select_dialog_multichoice.xml (890053a)
  • Documentation
    • Update Getting Started instructions with latest requirements and info (5b6cf55)
  • MaterialButton
    • Fixed a bug of setting inner buttons in vertical layout. (7c9f372)
    • Added APIs to customize inside spacing and corner size between buttons. (fb4761c)
  • ProgressIndicator
    • Updated to draw the track in Circular indeterminate mode with an option to opt out this behavior. (cb5afbc)
    • Added demos for wave effects with new indeterminate motion. (c4cf6b2)
    • Added circular indeterminate animation options - advance (M3) and retreat (new). (373008a)
  • Tabs
    • Fix selected text appearance not being applied correctly. (500dae8)
  • TimePicker
    • Fix color of unselected state in AM/PM picker. (d04da7d)
  • Tokens
    • Update tokens to v4.0.0 (9b09b69)
  • Transitions / Motion
    • Update MaterialContainerTransform to use getLocationInWindow() instead of getLocationOnScreen() when calculating bounds (0429d44)
    • Update androidx transition dependency to 1.5.0 (d44a06c)
  • Other
    • Update library version to 1.13.0-alpha02 (2068592)
    • Update Maven library description to min sdk version of 19 (8f8c6ee)
    • [Drawable] Add constant state support to ScaledDrawableWrapper which fixes NPE crash in APIs <= 23 (9da9993)
    • Fixed stroke path calculation for custom interpolation start shape. (e4fbb84)
    • Add interpolation between default and an arbitrary corner radius for Android Material Views. (cc125d9)
    • Update font loading to load synchronously for system font families (25d189b)

Full list of changes



02 May 20:00
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What's new since 1.11.0

  • Slider and Progress Indicator have been updated to better support Non-Text Contrast Accessibility requirements.
  • Predictive Back Fragment/View support added to Material motion transitions (MaterialSharedAxis, MaterialFadeThrough, MaterialFade, MaterialElevationScale).


Required minSdkVersion is now 19 or higher, for Material and AndroidX (blog post).

Dependency Updates

Dependency Previous version New version
androidx.transition 1.2.0 1.5.0

Library Updates

  • Gradle
    • Update library minSdkVersion to 19. (1bbb43d)
    • Upgrade to //third_party/gradle to 8.4 (1756f23)
  • Carousel
    • Shifted keylines in contained strategies when there exists padding, and clipToPadding=false (1ef42e2)
    • Fixed Javadoc formatting error in FullScreenCarouselStrategy class documentation. (a0a1c6e)
    • Added support for cross axis wrap_content RecyclerViews (e88a1b9)
    • Added documentation recommending snapping for multi-browse strategy (9e64a1f)
    • Add attributes to change small item size (92a5444)
  • CollapsingToolbarLayout
    • Fix text shadow fading when transitioning between expanded and collapsed states (7674e12)
  • Checkbox
    • Updated string translations (198e08c)
  • Dialog
    • Unified scrim opacity in Material themes/theme overlays. (f3e4439)
  • Divider
    • Fixed divider instantly appearing or disappearing on insertion or removal (ef4a0c5)
  • i18n
    • Update translated strings (a8307ef)
  • MaterialDatePicker
    • Fix date validation on Samsung devices (5aa6edf)
  • MaterialAutoCompleteTextView
    • Enabled switch access in MaterialAutoCompleteTextView. (14a7b40)
  • NavigationDrawer
    • Fixed wrong item selected after click (a3af20a)
  • NavigationRail
    • Added label padding for when the label is long enough to reach the sides of the nav rail (2439dc0)
    • Increased padding in between items as per design specs (16eca7e)
  • Predictive Back
    • Animated corners during predictive back when no drawerLayoutCornerSize is set (c8b9b1c)
  • ProgressIndicator
    • Updated inactive track color from primary container to secondary container. (c8cb0c6)
    • Updated the setter of track thickness to not update track corner radius. (540f5ee)
    • Added the limit to not have stop indicator size bigger than track thickness. (689e04f)
    • Fixed the rounded ends overlapping bug with semi-transparent track/indicator color in Circular default style. (8167c11)
    • Removed the call to draw a transparent full track. (3f80fdb)
    • Flipped the canvas for different circular directions. (bcc27a3)
    • Split stop indicator drawing from indicator drawing. (76207cb)
    • Added ActiveIndicator to improve readability. (6fd920a)
    • Fixed ESCAPE animation in linear and added ESCAPE animation in circular. (98284e7)
    • Updated to use the same drawing delegate object between determinate drawable and indeterminate drawable to prevent inconsistent drawings when specs update. (52b4845)
    • Added missing graphics updates when spec changes. (93b3010)
    • Update styles for new Accessibility updates (15b533f)
    • Added static drawable for Circular type when system animator is disabled. (22e054b)
  • Search
    • Excluded icons from search bar handwriting bounds (387f59b)
    • Made searchbar_scrolling_view_behavior string public (ce386e4)
    • Updated string translations (198e08c)
  • SideSheet
    • Moved the modal side sheet default width/height into style so they can be customized
    • Updated string translations (198e08c)
  • Slider
    • Made tick size defaults to the stop indicator size if set (92bc02c)
    • Fixed incorrect style of stop indicators near handles (d61cffd)
    • Resolved issues that crash when assigning a large value to valueTo (4d1b9e5)
    • Updated the track drawing for some corner cases. (10484df)
    • Fixed ripple not transparent on API 33 (cd4f618)
    • Updated documentation (a641e18)
    • Updated styles (c218b3c)(3b278d7)
    • Fixed slider label not moving while scrolling (144b515)
  • Tabs
    • Fixed title being announced twice when there's a badge in TalkBack mode. (aaa7034)
  • Theming
    • Add NoActionBar dynamic color themes (81d1b77)
    • Update Shape Theming bottom sheet text color (8ca016f)
  • Tokens
    • Update tokens to v4.0.0. (88acfcd)
    • Added formatting to break long lines and differentiate different comments. (857d6a2)
  • TopAppBar
    • Use an accessibility delegate to add and perform actions (929c80f)
    • Fixed compress effect clipping on API 21-24 (2ac8c1c)
  • TextInputLayout
    • Limited the min height reset in text change listener only when line count changes. (9b9449c)
    • Fixed unnecessary min height when losing focus with multiple lines. (4a2654a)
  • Transitions / Motion
    • Updated androidx transition dep to version 1.5.0-beta01 (8c63848)
    • Added predictive fade through fragment transition demo to Catalog. (6092a7d)
    • Added titles to fade through demo fragments in Catalog. (104043c)
    • Added predictive transition support for fragments and views to the Material motion library, and enabled it in shared axis fragment transition demo. (8ccec33)

Full list of release notes

Full list of changes



17 Apr 22:03
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Dependency Updates


Library Updates

  • BottomSheet
    • Allow dragging the sheet on overscroll when draggableOnNestedScroll=false (d056cc3)
    • Add ability to disable dragging/expanding/collapsing the sheet when touching/scrolling the nested scrolling child view (a35b6b8)
  • Carousel
    • Prevent scrolling if there's less items than focal keylines (8c541e6)
    • Support unclipped padding for uncontained variant of carousel (9393b97)
    • Fix a11y issue with switch access highlighting incorrect bounds (d885242)
  • Catalog
    • Fix slider value out of bounds crash in carousel demos caused by state restore happening after resetting slider values (c600b38)
    • Removed translatable="false" for all strings with descriptions. (a2d9bac)
  • Dialog
    • Updated docs to have a short description of each available dialog theme overlay (0a21fe7)
  • Predictive Back
    • Update predictive back animations to use interpolation curve of (0.1, 0.1, 0, 1) (136a685)
  • ProgressIndicator
    • Improved cold start performance. (c153139)
    • Added ramping animation to wave amplitude for both Linear and Circular types. (roll forward) (23bcd50)
    • Added demos for wave effects with wave speed. (0849c14)
    • Improved the smoothness of the animation when inactive track's ends are close. (2a80e16)
    • Applied a workaround in Circular counter-clockwise. (e8452fb)
    • Added waggle animation (wave speed) to active indicator in both Linear and Circular types. (roll forward) (b50cb1e)
    • Added ramping animation to wave amplitude for both Linear and Circular types. (627d141)
    • Added waggle animation (wave speed) to active indicator in both Linear and Circular types. (0f47e78)
    • Added demos for wave effects. (b32512a)
    • Refactored the catalogs for more demos in future. (b61ab85)
    • Updated outdated string description in the catalog. (747fe8c)
    • Added wavy active indicator drawing for circular type. (da108f3)
    • Updated the default value of wavelength and setters of wavelength and amplitude. (e2cc0bb)
  • Search
    • Add start delay to scrim animation during SearchBar to SearchView expand to reduce visual noise (b77b141)
    • Update back arrow to be auto mirrored for RTL (b56afa7)
  • TimePicker
    • Make ClockFaceView not focusable (d2831cb)
    • Only clear hour/minute fields when a digit is entered (4f21b95)
  • TopAppBar
    • Allow scrolling up when the app bar is lifted. (3e866b8)
    • Fixed compress effect when toolbar is set as a support action bar and hiddin/shown. (17855c1)
  • Other
    • Updating library version to 1.13.0-alpha01 (51f7d5d)

Full list of changes



04 Apr 15:21
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Required minSdkVersion is now 19 or higher, for Material and AndroidX (blog post).

Dependency Updates

Dependency Previous version New version
androidx.transition 1.5.0-beta01 1.5.0-rc01

Library Updates

  • No library updates

Full list of changes



21 Mar 17:00
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Required minSdkVersion is now 19 or higher, for Material and AndroidX (blog post).

Dependency Updates

Dependency Previous version New version
androidx.transition 1.5.0-alpha04 1.5.0-beta01

Library Updates

  • Divider
    • Fixed divider instantly appearing or disappearing on insertion or removal (ef4a0c5)
  • Documentation
    • Added detailed description of code example for collapsing toolbar style (29d3895)
    • Updated icon button section of Buttons doc. (3a5bb7d)
    • Fixed misspelling in Color doc (2a12851)
  • NavigationDrawer
    • Fixed wrong item selected after click (a3af20a)
  • ProgressIndicator
    • Updated inactive track color from primary container to secondary container. (c8cb0c6)
    • Updated the setter of track thickness to not update track corner radius. (540f5ee)
    • Added the limit to not have stop indicator size bigger than track thickness. (689e04f)
    • Fixed the rounded ends overlapping bug with semi-transparent track/indicator color in Circular default style. (8167c11)
    • Removed the call to draw a transparent full track. (3f80fdb)
    • Flipped the canvas for different circular directions. (bcc27a3)
    • Split stop indicator drawing from indicator drawing. (76207cb)
  • Search
    • Excluded icons from search bar handwriting bounds (387f59b)
  • Slider
    • Made tick size defaults to the stop indicator size if set (92bc02c)
    • Fixed incorrect style of stop indicators near handles (d61cffd)
    • Resolved issues that crash when assigning a large value to valueTo (4d1b9e5)
    • Updated the track drawing for some corner cases. (10484df)
    • Fixed ripple not transparent on API 33 (cd4f618)
  • Tabs
    • Fixed title being announced twice when there's a badge in TalkBack mode. (aaa7034)
  • Tokens
    • Added formatting to break long lines and differentiate different comments. (857d6a2)
  • TopAppBar
    • Use an accessibility delegate to add and perform actions (929c80f)
  • Transitions / Motion
    • Updated androidx transition dep to version 1.5.0-beta01 (8c63848)
    • Added predictive fade through fragment transition demo to Catalog. (6092a7d)
    • Added titles to fade through demo fragments in Catalog. (104043c)
  • Other
    • Bumped minSkdVersion declarations to 19 (cc5e890)

Full list of changes



10 Jan 22:07
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Dependency Updates

  • None

Library Updates

  • Carousel
    • Shifted keylines in contained strategies when there exists padding, and clipToPadding=false (1ef42e2)
    • Fixed Javadoc formatting error in FullScreenCarouselStrategy class documentation. (a0a1c6e)
    • Added support for cross axis wrap_content RecyclerViews (e88a1b9)
  • Catalog
    • Fixed flickering AppBarLayout in Navigation Rail demo (c695802)
    • Updated the Search Bar demo to scroll away with content (392acf9)
    • Added a ProgressIndicator demo for using multiple indicator colors in Catalog. (cd0d94e)
    • Added a ProgressIndicator demo for visibility control. (5d62e9e)
    • Updated the main ProgressIndicator demo in Catalog. (ba0b332)
    • Removed old ProgressIndicator demos. (701d5c2)
    • Fixed some lint errors (d9796eb)
  • Documentation
    • Added a section in the Color doc for proper tonal surface color resolving. (bb35129)
    • Added note about MaterialButton icon button performance and alternatives (0748414)
    • Updated demos and doc to use AppBarLayout app:statusBarForeground in order to avoid overlap between SearchBar and status bar content (90d6583)
    • Fixed API reference link of FloatingActionButton (90e15d8)
    • Updated ProgressIndicator documentation for new Accessibility updates (7e9318e)
  • Predictive Back
    • Animated corners during predictive back when no drawerLayoutCornerSize is set (c8b9b1c)
  • ProgressIndicator
    • Added ActiveIndicator to improve readability. (6fd920a)
    • Fixed ESCAPE animation in linear and added ESCAPE animation in circular. (98284e7)
    • Updated to use the same drawing delegate object between determinate drawable and indeterminate drawable to prevent inconsistent drawings when specs update. (52b4845)
    • Added missing graphics updates when spec changes. (93b3010)
    • Update styles for new Accessibility updates (15b533f)
  • Search
    • Made searchbar_scrolling_view_behavior string public (ce386e4)
  • SideSheet
    • Moved the modal side sheet default width/height into style so they can be customized (3b278d7)
  • Slider
  • Release
    • Updated lib version to 1.12.0-alpha03 in gradle. (a2309ce)

Full list of changes



14 Dec 00:04
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Elevation Overlays within default component styles have been replaced by the new Tonal Surface Color system. Instead of blending the Primary color with the Surface color based on an elevation value, components now use a specific Surface color role that can be more easily understood and customized.

Documentation for the affected components and which Surface color roles they use has been updated in 2114a11.

What's new since 1.10.0

Dependency Updates


Note: Earlier versions of 1.11.0 used other versions of the androidx.activity 1.8.0 library dependency, but there is no change in the dependency from 1.10.0, the last stable MDC library version.

Library Updates

  • Badging
    • Adjusted badge vertical offset for certain components to fit design requirements (78cc54b)
    • Added note in attachBadgeDrawable method docs about menu item views being re-used when there is a structural change in the menu. Since badges are attached to the views, this may change the menu item that the badge is intended for (5e6ea58)
  • BottomNavigationView
    • Set badges to be null instead of removing them from the sparse array so that removing badges before restoring badge states will not override the current state (9f2e686)
  • BottomSheet
    • Fix sheet corners animation (de27132)
  • Carousel
    • Ensure that extra small size is not larger than the large size (17baf71)
    • Fixed crash when recyclerview has a size of zero. (26c3129)
    • When navigating with keyboard, scroll focused item to nearest focal keyline, not the first focal keyline (fb9c1c6)
    • Force hero strategy to be start-aligned if there are not enough items to make it center-aligned (9a2347b)
    • Add logic for multibrowse strategy to change strategy when number of items is less than the number of keylines (cbb380d)
    • Fixed focus order when using keyboard navigation for hero carousels. (0356f24)
    • Cleaning up multi-browse strategy and removing compact arrangement (ed4647d)
    • Disallowing center aligned hero strategy with only 2 items since it does not make any sense. With only 2 items there can only be a start state and end state with the hero strategy. (d5d604d)
    • Fix issue with uncontained carousel not having a proper end scroll value due to assumption made in end scroll calculation (8cb444b)
    • Added tests for hero and multibrowse strategies when the carousel container is very small. (8312162)
    • Update scroll offset to scroll to the estimated position that it was at upon an initial load (4a6ae4d)
    • Fixed strategies crashing when there is not enough available space for a large and a small item (c418063)
    • Tweak uncontained strategy logic to adjust medium size items to improve motion (93660d4)
    • Fixed formatted for KeylineState and KeylineStateList (b80d9a5)
    • Fixed keyline shifting in RTL for uncontained carousels (7151714)
    • Reduce the number of truncations in intermediate calculations (4ce7e4c)
    • Update vertical scroll speed to be faster (c6ea2d4)
    • Fix some a11y bugs in Carousel (3d84841)
    • Center aligned uncontained carousel (b6f6eb5)
    • Add left-aligned uncontained strategy (9d81cac)
    • Fix orientation not correct in item decoration calculations (966f7da)
    • Update mask size on size change if mask x percentage has been set (dc91b39)
    • Fix issue with next carousel item not being masked properly (a16f180)
    • Add a layout listener to recyclerview to refresh keyline state upon size change (ff52862)
    • Remove default list from Carousel catalog demos as it is not an example of a carousel (0171624)
    • Add carousel alignment attribute (547156e)
    • Fix issue with not refreshing keylines (674ec44)
    • Fixed MaskableFrameLayout not updating mask after size change when setting the mask using setMaskXPercentage. (14023d2)
    • Adding docs for fullscreen carousel strategy (7c40359)
    • Add fullscreen demo to catalog (ad6afbf)
    • Add full screen strategy (bc54f2e)
  • Catalog
    • Use BottomSheetDialogFragment (2c53952)
    • Update navigation drawer state handling to be more accurate in demo (74ac87c)
    • Update navigation drawer state handling to be more accurate in custom drawer demo (1252d4f)
    • When bottom sheet is collapsed, back callback is enabled (98439df)
    • Update side sheet state handling to be more accurate in demos (357cf2d)
    • Update bottom sheet state handling to be more accurate in demos (f9102c7)
    • Fixed demos in RTL (4e1b130)
    • Make side sheet demo icon easier to see in dark mode (79a1953)
    • Remove explicit Catalog dependency on androidx.activity now that library depends on it (3bb69f5)
    • buid.gradle update. (4847799)
    • Remove edge-to-edge to top app bar demos due to glitches in ActionBar demo (c40e468)
    • Update slider position when carousel is scrolled in uncontained carousel demo (480bbc6)
    • Applied edge-to-edge to top app bar demos (aa5b5bc)
    • Add uncontained carousel demo to catalog (ef9f918)
    • Update slider position when carousel is scrolled in catalog demos (3652fde)
    • Applied edge-to-edge to bottom sheet in Carousel demo (6c2dd5d)
    • Fix fullscreen vertical carousel to use vertical dividers (af7d09a)
    • Add alignment option to hero carousel (7cfd30f)
  • Chip
    • Fix a typo in attributes table in documentation (7289aa6)
  • CollapsingToolbarLayout
    • Fix issue where expanded text gets ellipsized too aggressively when using title fade mode and the toolbar has menu items (094e3e2)
    • Fixed title collapse fade mode color to use a Tonal Surface role instead of elevation overlay (5f2b4b2)
  • Color
    • Delete unused contrast resources (541df07)
    • Updated focused and pressed state from 0.12 to 0.10 to increase the contrast ratio with tonal surface color. (bc824b4)
    • Updated colors of container transform demo (d16f223)
    • Add ColorStateListDrawable support (0663019)
    • Removed layered drawable for the background after tonal surface color. (b5d6f1a)
    • Upgraded to v0.170 for tonal surface colors. (8204856)
    • Update constructor comments (ba465a2)
  • Divider
  • Documentation
    • Add note to clarify that automatic back handling in components is only for API 33+ (ad2b5f8)
    • Update Predictive Back doc to recommend 1.10.0 stable version (b8b1a66)
    • Update doc to explain how to allow Top App Bar to grow taller in response to system font setting (a01a68d)
    • Fix carousel docs (247240c)
    • Add uncontained variant docs (9ee4aba)
    • Minor code block improvements (d7e75bb)
    • Add guidance in fullscreen strategy docs about portrait orientation (caec8d2)
    • Update chip documentation to use setOnCheckedStateChangeListener instead of setOnCheckedChangeListener which was deprecated in favour of the former (0582b1a)
    • Up...
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