Ultra simple webserver for accessing Raspberry Pi GPIO pins. It's not extra neat. It could have been done better. It could avoid using html tables. But hey, it's just a simple tool written in one evening.
If you want to start this server autmatically on your rpi boot, put following line in /etc/rc.local
su - pi -c "screen -dm -S rpinserver sudo python3 /home/pi/rpinserver/server.py"
(assuming you've cloned this project in /home/pi
). After starting it turns sequentionally every output for 0.1s so user can see it has booted.
Pins to controll are defined at the beginning of the fie:
PINS = [25, 8, 7, 1, 6, 13, 19, 26]
Adjust this array to suit your needs. Pins are indexed by indexes in this array - at index 0 is GPIO25, at index 1 is GPIO8 etc. All pins are set as output pins.
Just navigte to http://your-pi. You should see ugly '90s style html table representing state of the pins with buttons to change them:
for turned off1
for turned on
# get state of first gpio
someone@somewhere:~ $ curl your-pi/0
, where <value>
is 0
or 1
# turn on second gpio
someone@somewhere:~ $ curl -d state=1 your-pi/1
, where <value>
is 0
or 1
# turn on first and third gpio, turn off fourth gpio, don't change other gpios
someone@somewhere:~ $ curl -d "0=1&2=1&3=0" your-pi