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Experimental Game Jams, website where users can upload experimental games.
Tuxmino, game reminiscent of old arcade stackers. Custom gamemodes
can be created with LUA.
NoteWM, Simple X11 floating window manager. Written in C.
illuscribe, render presentations from plaintext using a custom markup language made specifically for slideshows.
ksalgo, C library for the Karplus Strong Algorithm.
txt2web, Simple static site generator written in C.
boids2d-rs, boids flocking simulation. My first project written in rust.
gupta, roguelike game with chess based movement.
karplus-string-synth, audio playback and waveform visualization of the Karplus Strong algorithm. This project uses my ksalgo library.
dungeon-game, 3D dungeon crawler engine/game written in C using Raylib.