- Initial Release
- Dark Mode initial support
- Fix the routing bug
- Background images size compressed
- Fix the dark mode incorrect behavior in Weather component
- Fix the dark mode persistence issue when opening the new browser tab
- Added dark mode to NoMatch Page
- Added disclaimer in footer
- Improve the contrast for Get Data button
- Added responsive
- Added logo (By Charlie Wang)
- Rewrite the Weather List (layout fix)
- Rewrite the Airport List (layout fix)
- Rewrite the AirportAccordion (layout fix)
- Rewrite the WeatherAccordion (layout fix)
- Fix the Extreme Weather page layout issue
- Added Extreme Weather header dropdown for responsive design
- Added Navbar dropdown for responsive design
- Rewrite the Airport Detail page
- Added margin on input bar
- Added Footer to display disclaimer
- Fix the Map size change in the Airport Detail page
- Fix the width issue when screen become too small
- Adjust the Detail Weather panel when switching to a smaller screen
- Adjust the width for input search bar
- Make some texts first letter capital
- Added popular airports in the Home page
- Added ATIS in Airport Detail page
- Fix the issue in localStorage so the theme and airport/weather list will be persistence after the refresh
- Fix the issue when loading up a page for the first time will stucked at loading page if no localStorage available
- Fix the input bar zoom issue in IOS
- Re-tune the Home page layout to fit smaller screen better
- Fix the Weather input bar not trimming the user input
- Fix the
No Results
text not being centered
- Added popular VatsimEvent airports
- Added visual guidance in the Home page to indicate the page could be scrolled down
- Change display layout for popular airport in Home page
- Fix the visited airport been counted twice issue
- Fix the issue when page is rendering from the bottom
- Fix the issue NotFound page might render if Airport Detail page is taking too long to retrieve data
- Added responsive to Pagination component in airport search list
- Change airport search list to new display layout
- Fix UI issue in Home page popular airport tab (location render twice)
- Added Finding Orion puzzle
- Fix No Results not centered issue in Weather List
- Added dark theme map tile in Airport Detail when switching to dark mode
- Added linear-gradient to home page background image
- Automatically detect system dark mode setting
- Make URLs in Airport Detail page table shorter, results a smaller table
- Lower the Home Page background image brightness in dark mode
- Change input field background color to match dark mode
- Change search bar layout for Home, Weather and Airport page
- Added Random Airport feature
- Fix the dark theme not sync issue
- Replace Airport Detail Table with Airport Detail Panel
- Fix the Home page navigate section button style issue
- Added image modal in Orion page
- Change background color for traffic table
- Added feature that if airport search only return 1 results, instead showing airport list, direct render the airport detail page
- Fix the Home page navigate section button style issue
- Added image modal in Orion page
- Change background color for traffic table
- Added feature that if airport search only return 1 results, instead showing airport list, direct render the airport detail page
- Added Vatsim event feature
- Fix the issue if no localStorage data enter new ICAO in airport detail page will direct back to home page
- Fix container height issue when using 100% viewport in some components
- Vite migration
- Added Interactive map
- Fix theme not correctly apply issue
- Fix the issue that FIR and Tracon popup not display all controllers
- Improve the matching logic to include some missing Tracons
- Added a map layer to display all FIRs boundaries
- Added a map layer to display global day-night terminator
- Added new loading screen for AirportDetail page
- Added new logic to matching FSS and Fir
- Added different color for FSS popup
- Fix the issue that some FIRs are missing in the map
- Fix the issue that some FSS are miss matching
- Fix the issue that some Tracon are miss matching
- Adjust tracon matching for the API update
- Added tooltip for map feature toggle panel
- Added responsive design for map elements
- Added airliner name display
- Fixed the tracon popup for the API update
- Fixed the great circle path drawing got messy if path is crossing the 180° meridian
- Added option to toggle airport label on map
- Added option to toggle airport marker on map
- Added option to reset map option
- Disable tooltip if user is on touchscreen device
- Added scroll bar if flight plan is too long is the Flight Panel
- Fix the address bar blocking content in IOS device issue
- Fix page failed to direct when selecting airport directly from weather list
- Adjust map control panel to fit for touchscreen device
- Adjust Home page to be fitted in the IOS device
- Adjust map control panel hover and selection style
- Added moving map to track local sim flight
- Added search feature in the map
- Added airport layout for all map styles
- Map performance optimization
- Fixed the issue that Detail Airport Page not loading correctly in some condition
- Fixed the issue that partial traffic path remains in 3D mode if map is in 2D mode
- Fixed the issue that traffic path is incorrect in 2D mode
- Fixed the issue that theme mode does not apply in the Main Map correctly sometimes
- Fixed the issue that map might freeze if load with terrain mode enabled
- Applied new design to Extreme Weather page
- Applied change for the new Datis API format
- Remove the hover popup arrow tip (controller maker)
- Adjust the controller maker popup size for mobile device
#Beta 0.5.2
- Added notification if websocket connection failed
- Fixed the text encoding issue (backend and frontend fix)
- Fixed some minor font issue
- Improve Map performance, reduce memory usage
- Adjust Event page style
- Change mouse to pointer when hover over the Extreme Weather table item
- Disable the translation to prevent app crash