Want to watch a Welcome Video instead of reading this text? You can watch here.
This is a course created by Emerald Academy. It is meant to teach you Cadence. During the bootcamp, you will learn ALL of the major aspects of the language.
In addition to writing & deploying your own NFT Contract during the course, you will have the knowledge to write your own contracts too.
- All of the major concepts of Cadence
- The ability to write your own smart contracts in Cadence
- The ability to create most (non-advanced) Cadence contracts
- You will have created an NFT Contract during the bootcamp
- How to deploy a contract to Flow Testnet
You will create your own NFT smart contract deployed to Flow Testnet. You can see an example of that here.
However, the foundational skills you learn will allow you to make much more than that.
- If you've never coded Cadence before
- If you have coded in Cadence but want to refresh up on some of the concepts
- If you're interested in the language and want to know more
The lessons will be split into "chapters," and chapters will be split into "days." I did it this way so you can manage your time and progress through the course as you like. Do not feel pressured to do this every day. Do it at your own pace and have fun with it! It will always be here :)
Here's an overview:
- Lessons split into days
- Written & video content associated with each day. The videos will be from my YouTube Channel.
- Quests to complete
- A completion certificate (this FLOAT) if you have completed all the quests from Chapters 1-5 (Chapter 6 is extra credit). This will be proof that you have significant Cadence knowledge, and you will be able to show it to whoever you like as proof of expertise. Or just for fun! :D
In order to complete this course, you need to know absolutely nothing about coding. I included Chapter 1.5 that teaches you the basics of computer programming.
Although Chapter 1.5 is a great introduction to programming, if you have never written code before, you may also want to do some outside learning before this course, because it can get complicated very quick. I would suggest some intro to Javascript tutorials to teach you some foundational elements of programming.
It is impossible to learn how to code by watching tutorials/reading articles. You must mess up on your own to make true progress.
Quests are like homework assignments. There are quests for every day of content. They will test your understanding of the concepts that are in that day's content.
When you finish a quest, please store all your quests together. Then, when you want them to be reviewed, submit them in the #quest-submissions channel inside the Emerald Academy Discord and our instructors will review them.
Every day also has a quiz associated with it to test your knowledge. It is a simple Google Form you can fill out to test your understanding for that day's content.
All of these quizzes are entirely thanks to FrankenSense. Thank you for being an absolute legend!
This course is currently available in English (README.md), Chinese (README_ZH.md), Spanish (README_ES.md), and Russian (README_RU.md). Under each day of content, you will see a matching README file for your language of choice.
Whenever you want my friend! :)
You can start the first day here.
This course was created by Emerald Academy, which is a series of educational resources & bootcamps created by your best friends at Emerald City. If you're interested in more educational content or getting involved in the broader Emerald City community, come join our Discord :)
If you have any feedback, please let me know. You can message me on Twitter, on Discord, on YouTube, anything. I am not smarter than any of you. If you have suggestions, I am sure they are great and I'd love to hear them.
Feel free to reach out to me on any of these platforms:
Discord: tsnakejake#8364