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Object oriented WordPress development.


  • Upload the entire shortcut folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  • Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

Plugins using Shortcut

Simple reCaptcha

Anti Tor

Working with Shortcut

Start by coping the demo folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Lets take a look at the app.php file, in here you can register all of the plugin functionality. We also have two folders controllers where all of your plugins controllers will be. and views where all of your plugin views will be.

Creating a Controller

When creating a controller you need to extends the base controller named Controller. You can see an example for a controller on demo/controllers/TestController.php

class TestContoller extends Controller {

    public function testing() {
        $this->db; // $wpdb
        $this->get; // $_GET
        $this->post; // $_POST
        $this->server; // $_SERVER
        $this->shortcut; // The current Shortcut object
        return $this->view('settings'); // display a view


Shortcut Api

You can use $this or $plugin when your in the app.php file. if you want to use any of the Shortcut functions when your in a controller just use the $this->shortcut->{function}.

Using views

I think the biggest problem with WordPress is there is no clear separation of views and controllers. Usually plugins code looks like a mix of the two, the view command allows you to completely separate the two in a clean and readable way.

You can create a view just add a new file to your plugin views folder. To render a view from a controller just use the $this->view method and pass the file name without the .php

public function getPage(){
    return $this->view('settings');


You can also pass variables to the view by passing a second argument

public function getPage(){

    $title = 'Hello World';
    $options = $this->getOptions(['first','second']);
    return $this->view('settings',compact('title','options'));
Adding shortcodes
// Link shortcode to the `shortcode` method on TestController
$this->shortcode('testing', 'TestController@shortcode');

// You can also use a function
$this->shortcode('testing', function (){
  return 'shortcode output.';
Using ajax

the return value will be converted to a json response.

// Link to the `firstTest` method on TestController

// You can also use a function
$this->ajax('test',function (array $request) {
    return array(
      'testing' => true,
      'request' => $request // post & get request array
Adding pages

Add a WordPress page

    'title' => 'Plugin Settings',
    'parent' => 'options-general', // default `false`
    'capability' => 'manage_options', // default `manage_options`
    'request.get' => 'TestController@getPage', // Runs on a get request to the page
    '' => 'TestController@postPage' // Runs on a post request to the page
Adding a filter
$this->filter('body_class',function ($classes){
    return array_merge($classes,['injected_class']);

// You can also use controller

// TestController.php
public function filterBodyClasses($classes){
  return array_merge($classes,['injected_class']);
Adding an action
$this->action('template_redirect',function (){
    // ...

// You can also use controller

// TestController.php
public function templateRedirect(){
  // ...
Displaying a notice

Sometimes you need to display an error or success notice to the user after some action. You can do this by using the $this->shortcut->notice function.


public function postPage() {
    // ...
    $whitelist = ['website_public','website_secret'];
    // You can also do
    // Or
    // ...



Allows you to quickly save options to the database. $options an array of key value options usually the request. $whitelist an array of values to function will try to create options for. $prefix a prefix string that will be used for each option, default is an empty string.


public function postPage() {
    // ...
    $whitelist = ['website_public','website_secret'];
    // ...

Allows you quickly get an array of key value pers of a given list.

$options an array of option keys. $prefix a prefix string for each option, default is an empty string.


public function getPage() {
    // ...
    $options = $this->shortcut->getOptions(['website_public','website_secret']);
    return $this->view('settings',compact('options'));

Allows you to check multible cells in an array at once

$array any array $children an array of potential cells

$response = Api::request('user/1/photos');

// Before
if ( isset($response['results']) && isset($response['results']['photos']) && ... )

// After
if ( $this->shortcut->multiIsset($response, ['results','photos','url']) ){
    // do something with $response['results']['photos']['url']


Micro framework for OOP WordPress Development.







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