Breaking change: New way to extract metadata from paths and filenames. This uses regular expressions and is more versatile than the heuristic before. If you have used
before, see the documentation on activity files for the new way. -
GH-105: Ignore similar activities that have vanished.
GH-106: Be more strict when identifying jumps in activities. Take 30 s and 100 m distance as criterion now.
GH-107: Remove warning by fixing a Pandas slice assignment.
GH-108: Calories and steps are now extracted from FIT files.
GH-109: Better error message when trying to start up without any activity files.
from the dependencies. -
Single day overview is now linked from each activity.
Parsing of activity files is now parallelized over all CPU cores and faster than before.
The coloring of the speed along the activity line doesn't remove outliers any more.