A nodejs package which allows reading values from Porsche Connect enabled vehicles like:
- Taycan
- 911 (from 992)
- Cayenne (from 2017, E3)
- Panamera (from 2021, G2 PA)
An active Porsche Connect subscription is required!
npm i --save porsche-connect
import PorscheConnect from 'porsche-connect';
const porsche = new PorscheConnect({ username: 'YOUR USERNAME', password: 'YOUR PASSWORD' });
const vehicles = await porsche.getVehicles();
const taycan = vehicles[0];
const tripInfo = await taycan.getTripInfo();
modelDescription: 'Taycan 4S',
modelType: 'Y1ADB1',
modelYear: 2020,
carModel: 'J1',
engineType: 'BEV',
exteriorColor: 'Gentiaanblauw metallic/Gentiaanblauw metallic',
exteriorColorHex: '#3b322c',
steeringWheelPosition: 'LEFT',
pictures: [],
nickname: 'My Precious',
remoteCapabilities: {
hasRDK: true,
hasHonkAndFlash: false,
heating: {
hasFrontSeatHeating: true,
hasRearSeatHeating: true
permissions: {
userIsActive: true,
userRoleStatus: 'ENABLED'
ℹ️ Not all methods are available on all vehicles.
Retrieves GPS coordinates
Retrieves a detailed battery & charging status for Battery Electric Vehicles & Plugin Hybrids
enableDirectCharge() and disableDirectCharge()
Enables or Disables the 'Direct Charge' setting on Electric Vehicles
enableClimate() and disableClimate()
Enables or Disables the climate control to pre-heat/cool the vehicle
honkAndFlash() and flash()
lock() and unlock()
Retrieves the cached overall status of the vehicle
Retrieves the up-to-date overall status of the vehicle. (Could take a while...)
Lists recent trips or an overview including distance & fuel consumption
⚡ Use a proper code editor like Visual Studio Code which will help you with IntelliSense & inline documentation.
Thanks to the guys at Driven App and pyporscheconnectapi for their work in Swift/Python, on which this repo is based.
Thanks to jasper-seinhorst and bigkraig for their contributions.
This package is provided as a small hobby project. Once everything is up and running in my setup at home, my motivation to maintain this repo might drop, so contributions are very welcome!