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A Kotlin library that interacts with Gotenberg's different modules to convert a variety of document formats to PDF files.


To incorporate kotenberg into your project, follow the snippets below for Gradle dependencies.

Gradle Kotlin DSL

repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("")
        credentials {
            username = project.findProperty("gpr.user")?.toString() ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_USERNAME")
            password = project.findProperty("gpr.key")?.toString() ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")

dependencies {


Before attempting to use Kotenberg, be sure you install Docker if you have not already done so.

Once the docker Daemon is up and running, you can start a default Docker container of Gotenberg as follows:

docker run --rm -p 8090:8090 gotenberg/gotenberg:7 gotenberg --api-port=8090

After that, you need to download the latest Kotenberg JAR library from the GitHub Releases page and add it to your Java project classpath.

Get Started

Create an instance of Kotenberg class and pass your Gotenberg endpoint url as a constructor parameter.

val client = Kotenberg("http://localhost:8090/")


Kotenberg client comes with a convertUrl, convertHtml and convertMarkdown methods that call one of Chromium's routes to convert html and markdown files, or a url to a CloseableHttpResponse that contains the HttpEntity which holds the content of the converted PDF file.

convert expects two parameters; the first parameter represents what will be converted (i.e. url, html, or markdown files), and the second one is a PageProperties parameter.


val response = client.convertUrl("")


The only requirement is that one of the files name should be index.html.

val index = File("path/to/index.html")
val header = File("path/to/header.html")
val response = client.convertHtml(listOf(index, header))


This route accepts an index.html file plus markdown files. Check Gotenberg docs for details.

val index = File("path/to/index.html")
val markdown = File("path/to/")

val response = client.convertMarkdown(listOf(index, markdown))


Kotenberg client comes with PageProperties which is a builder class that allows you to customize the style of the generated PDF. The default page properties can be found here.

val pageProperties = PageProperties.Builder().build()
val response = client.convertMarkdown(listOf(index), pageProperties)


Kotenberg client provides a convertWithLibreOffice method which interacts with LibreOffice to convert different types of documents such as .docx, .epub, .eps, and so on. You can find the list of all file extensions here.

val docx = File("path/to/file.docx")
val xlsx = File("path/to/file.xlsx")

val response = client.convertWithLibreOffice(listOf(docx, xlsx))

PDF Engines

Similarly, Kotenberg client provides a convertWithPdfEngines method which interacts with PDF Engines to convert PDF files to a specific format (i.e. PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-3b)).

The supported formats can be found in PdfFormat.

val pdf1 = File("path/to/first.pdf")
val pdf2 = File("path/to/second.pdf")

val pageProperties = PageProperties.Builder()

val response = client.convertWithPdfEngines(listOf(pdf1, pdf2), pageProperties)

Additionally, you can also use mergeWithPdfEngines method to alphabetically merge the PDF files.

val pdf1 = File("path/to/first.pdf")
val pdf2 = File("path/to/second.pdf")

val response = client.mergeWithPdfEngines(listOf(pdf1, pdf2))


The following is a short snippet of how to use the library.

import dev.marrek13.kotenberg.Kotenberg
import dev.marrek13.kotenberg.PageProperties

import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths

class Main {
    fun main() {
        val client = Kotenberg("http://localhost:80/")
        try {
            val url = ""
            val properties = PageProperties.Builder()
            val response = client.convertUrl(url, properties)
            val projectDir = Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath().normalize()
            val tempDir = Files.createTempDirectory(projectDir, "temp_")
            val tempFile = Files.createTempFile(tempDir, "PDF_", ".pdf").toFile()
            val pdfContent = response.body<ByteArray>()
            FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(pdfContent, tempFile)
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            throw RuntimeException(e)


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