SubBuddy is a Youtube subscription watcher. If a user posts a new video, SubBuddy grabs it and downloads it so you don�t have to.
SubBuddy and the people associated with it are not responsible for anything that happens once the binary is launched. The software is still in a pre-alpha like stage, so expect missing features and crashes. SubBuddy is licensed under the GPLv3 and is free software. Each version�s source will be made available immediately after the binary is uploaded in the form of a 7z archive. Of course, an updated version of SubBuddy's source will be available here on Github for those of you daring enough to deal with something even worse than your average unstable branch.
Download the latest "stable" binary here:
Pathnames look inconsitent
�Open Downloads Folder� may open the SubBuddy binary in some cases.
Graphical glitches
Graphical glitches
Cannot run in X11 render mode
Screenshots, along with more information about this software is availabe here: