Simple CodeIgniter library to compress CSS and JavaScript files on the fly.
Library is based on few other scripts like or to minify CSS and it uses Google Closure compiler to compress JavaScript
Just put Minify.php
file in libraries path, and create minify.php
config file on config directory.
##Using the library
####Configure the library: All directories needs to be writable. Next you can set your own values for config file.
// output path where the compiled files will be stored (default value: 'assets')
$config['assets_dir'] = 'assets';
// optional - path where the compiled css files will be stored (default value: '' - for backward compatibility)
$config['assets_dir_css'] = '';
// optional - path where the compiled js files will be stored (default value: '' - for backward compatibility)
$config['assets_dir_js'] = '';
// where to look for css files (default value: 'assets/css')
$config['css_dir'] = 'assets/css';
// where to look for js files (default value: 'assets/js')
$config['js_dir'] = 'assets/js';
// default file name for css (default value: 'style.css')
$config['css_file'] = 'styles.css';
// default file name for js (default value: 'scripts.js')
$config['js_file'] = 'scripts.js';
// use automatic file names (default value: 'FALSE')
$config['auto_names'] = FALSE;
// compress files or not (default value: 'TRUE')
$config['compress'] = TRUE;
// compression engine setting (default values: 'minify' and 'closurecompiler')
$config['compression_engine'] = array(
'css' => 'minify', // minify || cssmin
'js' => 'closurecompiler' // closurecompiler || jsmin || jsminplus
// when you use closurecompiler as compression engine you can choose compression level (default value: 'SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS')
$config['closurecompiler']['compilation_level'] = 'SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS';
####Available engines
- CSS -
- both of them are local, just try out which one is better for you, - JS -
makes API call to external server, it's slower then regular inline engine, but it's super efficient with compression,jsmin
are local
####Run the library In the controller:
// load the library
// or load and assign custom config (will override values from config file)
$this->load->library('minify', $config);
// by default library's functionality is enabled, but in some cases you would like to return
// assets without compilation and compression - when debugging or in development environment
// in that case you can use config variable to disable it
$config['enabled'] = FALSE;
// or
$this->minify->enabled = FALSE;
In controller or view:
// set css files - you can use array or string with commas
// when using this method, you replaces previously added files
$this->minify->css(array('reset.css', 'style.css', 'tinybox.css'));
$this->minify->css('reset.css, style.css, tinybox.css');
// add css files - you can use array or string with commas
// when using this method, you're adding new files to previous ones
$this->minify->add_css(array('reset.css'))->add_css('style.css, tinybox.css');
// set js files - you can use array or string with commas
// when using this method, you replaces previously added files
$this->minify->js(array('html5.js', 'main.js'));
$this->minify->js('html5.js, main.js');
// set js files - you can use array or string with commas
// when using this method, you're adding new files to previous ones
// with methods: css(), js(), add_css() and add_js()
// you can pass group name for given files as second parameter
// default group name is "default"
$this->minify->js(array('html5.js', 'main.js'), 'extra');
$this->minify->add_css('style.css, tinybox.css', 'another');
// deploy css
// bool argument for rebuild css - false means skip rebuilding (default value: TRUE)
echo $this->minify->deploy_css(TRUE);
//Output: '<link href="path-to-compiled-css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />'
// deploy js
// bool argument for rebuild js - false means skip rebuilding (default value: FALSE)
echo $this->minify->deploy_js();
//Output: '<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-compiled-js"></script>'.
// you can use automatic file name for particular deploy when you have $config['auto_names'] set to FALSE
// to do so, you must set file name to 'auto' during deploy
echo $this->minify->deploy_css(TRUE, 'auto');
echo $this->minify->deploy_js(TRUE, 'auto');
//Output: '<link href="path-to-compiled-css-with-auto-file-name" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />'
//Output: '<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-compiled-js-with-auto-file-name"></script>'.
// you can deploy only particular group of files
echo $this->minify->deploy_css(TRUE, NULL, 'another');
echo $this->minify->deploy_js(TRUE, 'auto', 'extra');
//Output: '<link href="path-to-compiled-css-group" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />'
//Output: '<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-compiled-js-group-with-auto-file-name"></script>'.
// you can enable versioning your your assets via config variable `$config['versioning']` or manually
$this->minify->versioning = TRUE;
echo $this->minify->deploy_js();
//Output: '<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-compiled.js?v=hash-here"></script>'.
17 Jun 2017
- new config variable to enable versioning assets
(default to FALSE)
29 Dec 2016
- introduce option to save compiled css and js files in different folders - new config variables:
29 Apr 2015
- allow to use automatic file name for particular deploy when you have
set toFALSE
- documentation update
20 Apr 2015
- Closure compilerconfiguration extracted to config file
22 Mar 2015
- method chaining support
- new methods:
- gives ability for adding files to existing files arrays - added support to run library with custom array config, assigned as second parameter (during loading)
$this->load->library('minify', $config);
- added support for groups in files arrays - as second (optional) parameter in methods:
(i.e.$this->minify->js(array('script.js'), 'extra');
- default group name is default) - added support for strings as first parameter in methods:
(i.e.$this->minify->js('first.js, second.js');
) - added support for automatic files names:
$config['auto_names'] = TRUE;
- external compression classes moved to minify folder
- unit tests for new features
10 Feb 2015
- Unit testing
09 Feb 2015
- 2 new engines to compres JS files
- documentation update
13 Oct 2014
- changed way of generating JS file
14 July 2014
- small bug fixes in JS compression
4 July 2014
- sample JavaScript files to see how it works
- detection of empty JS file couses force refresh
23 May 2014
- you can chose your compression engine library in config file (CSS only)
- speed optimisations
- force CSS rewrite using $this->minify->deploy_css(TRUE);
11 Mar 2014
- completly rewrite CSS parser - uses cssmin compress CSS,
- detects file modification time no longer force rewrites,
- example usage now included withing app
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