- A rails web application to schedule job, reply on linux crontab
- The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2017 Genghui Luo
- Dependencies:
- ruby, >= 2.4.0
- rails, >= 5.0.2
- MariaDB, >= 5.5.52
- node, >= 6.10.1
> [email protected]:genghuiluo/webcron.git
> cd ./webcron
> bash setup.bash
# config PATH in crontab
> crontab -e
# basiclly, you can add "PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/:/usr/local/bin"
> rails s
# you can also specify domain/port with -b/-p option
# e.g. rails s -b my_webcron.com -p 8080
Access http://localhost:3000 (default) in your browser, You will see this login page first.
- right click on each job, click 'Modify'
- select a first run time, update alert email, click 'Submit'
- after modified two sample jobs, check your output of "crontab -l"
> crontab -l
14 18 7 * * cd /webcron && /usr/local/bin/rake RAILS_ENV=development webcron:excutejob[1] >>/tmp/webcron.development.log 2>&1
14 18 * * 2 cd /webcron && /usr/local/bin/rake RAILS_ENV=development webcron:excutejob[2] >>/tmp/webcron.development.log 2>&1
- Right click on one sample job, click 'Run' to manually run this job. Check if job can be excuted successfully, and also check if you received the alert email.
- Select a proper first run time(e.g. after 1 min) to verify if schedule works.
you can also define your own job protype
- like pghero
- rails runner instead of rake task
- clock process(e.g. sidekiq-cron) instead of crontab
- code style
flexible user habits, e.g 9:00AM ~ 11:00AM each 2 min every day
*/2 9~10 * * * call_some_tricks