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A better way to write with FHIR in Android.


Ordinary Android TextViews allow users to set a static string, and require manually changing the value via the setText(String s) at runtime, if needed. The goal with the CharcoalTextView is to allow a developer to setObservation(Observation obs), instead of setting a static String value, and have the field update automatically, based on preset configurations for that field, or any preference changes the user may make.

How to Use


In your project gradle file, add the following:

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }

Then in your local build.gradle, add the following dependency:

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.markiantorno:charcoal:v1.0.0'

Initializing your UCUM units for the project.

  1. Get, or create the UCUM essence.xml you will be using for this project. If you are new to UCUM, click here. Our example file is located here. Once you have the file, place it in your project's asset folder.

  2. Add the annotation @Essence(asset = YOUR_ESSENCE_FILE_NAME.xml) to the main application or activity class for your project.

  3. Call Charcoal.bind(this);

Your app should now have a valid instance of a UcumService, which you use to parse and convert any FHIR type Observation to and from UCUM standard units.

This UcumService is a singleton object that can be accessed at any point using the EssenceController. For more information on how to work with, or convert units manually using this service, please checkout the additional information on UCUM.

Using the CharcoalTextView

  1. Change the Android TextView in your layout.xml file, to instead be a CharcoalTextView.
  2. In your java Activity/Fragment/Dialog/etc... class, add the following annotation above the field:

@Charcoal(property = YOUR_PROPERTY, defaultUnit = YOUR_UNIT, accuracy = YOUR_ACCURACY, format = YOUR_FORMAT)

  • YOUR_PROPERTY is a String that indicates the medical property that this measurement represents, ie 'blood_glucose', 'weight', etc. These codes are internal to your own application, and have no relation to UCUM fields or unit properties. They are used to associate unit changes and updates to a subset of all the CharcoalTextViews in your app. So if you want to only change the mass unit for weight measurements in your application, you would give only those weight views the same property String YOUR_PROPERTY = "weight_reading".

  • YOUR_UNIT is the String that unit that will be used with this field. For conversion and display to work properly, it needs to adhere to UCUM standard unit notation. For example, if we wanted to use the unit mmHg to display blood pressure readings, we would need to use both the notation for meter of mercury columncombined with the notation for the prefix milli:

    <unit xmlns="" Code="m[Hg]" CODE="M[HG]" isMetric="yes" class="clinical">
        <name>meter of mercury column</name>
        <value Unit="kPa" UNIT="KPAL" value="133.3220">133.3220</value>
    <prefix xmlns="" Code="m" CODE="M">
        <value value="1e-3">1 &#215; 10<sup>-3</sup>

So, our field would be set as follows, String YOUR_UNIT = "mm[Hg].

  • YOUR_ACCURACY (optional field) is an integer value representing the number of digits to the right of the decimal point we want displayed for this field. Defaults to 2.

  • YOUR_FORMAT (optional field) is the String format for combined observation value and unit together. Defaults to "%1$s %2$s".

Changing Preferences

  1. When you want to change the default unit for a given property, simply call PreferenceController.setUnitForProperty(Context ctx, String property, String unit). This will change all CharcoalTextViews assigned the given property to convert and display Observations with the new unit.
  2. You may not want accuracy constant for all units in a field (example, mmol/L needs 2 decimal places, where mg/dL needs none...however, both are measure of blood glucose), so you can set the default accuracy for given units as well by calling PreferenceController.setAccuracyForUnit(Context ctx, String unit, int accuracy).

TODOs! (in no particular order)

  1. Stand alone unit and value fields if user wants to separate the text fields to display independantly. This kinda works in a hacky way now, if you pass in a String format with just a first arg, or second arg, you get the desired effect...however, you need to assign a dummy observation to make it work.
  2. Remove the need to call Charcoal.bind(Context ctx) to set the essence.xml file. This could probably be done with a preprocessor to set the filename as a variable or something along those lines.
  3. Maven upload. -> In progress following instructions here
  • Maven upload hurts me to get working. Using jitpack instead for now.
  1. Add versioning tools to build.gradle file.
  2. Fix some of the folder structure and naming to be more intuitive (ie, why is preferences a directory that holds controllers...)
  3. Improve the example application.
  4. Actually write out the readme to be helpful instead of just copy pasting the pharmacy guide.
  5. Dynamic accuracy for different units.
  6. remove .idea/ stuff...
  7. dstu2 support


Copyright 2017 Mark Iantorno

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


If you like the font, it's the Charcoal Font by Jonathan S. Harris.

Special thanks to James Agnew for guidance with FHIR and UCUM standards.


A better way to write with FHIR in Android.







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