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GitHub Action

Run AWS ECS Fargate Task


Run AWS ECS Fargate Task


Run AWS ECS Fargate Task

Run an AWS ECS Fargate task and execute a custom commands. See the log output of the commands


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Run AWS ECS Fargate Task

uses: geekcell/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in geekcell/github-action-aws-ecs-run-task

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Geek Cell GmbH


Run an AWS ECS Fargate task and execute a custom commands. See the log output of the commands.


This action makes it possible to run an AWS ECS Fargate task and execute a custom command. If the task definition defines logs to CloudWatch this action will also tail the output of container, providing instant feedback inside the GitHub Workflow.

This action is great for executing migrations or other pre/post deployment steps for ECS Fargate applications.


Full example

- name: Execute migrations and seeders
  id: run-task
  uses: geekcell/[email protected]
    cluster: application-cluster
    task-definition: application-task-def
    assign-public-ip: 'DISABLED'

    subnet-ids: |

    security-group-ids: |

    tail-logs: true
    override-container: app
    override-container-command: |
      php artisan migrate --force --ansi && \
      php artisan db:seed --force --ansi && \
      php artisan config:clear --ansi

Minimal example

- name: Run migration container
  id: run-task
  uses: geekcell/[email protected]
    cluster: application-cluster
    task-definition: application-task-def
    subnet-ids: subnet-04f133a104b9e95df
    security-group-ids: sg-123456789101112


parameter description required default
task-definition The name or the ARN of the task definition to use for the task. true
subnet-ids The list of subnet IDs for the task to use. If multiple they should be passed as multiline argument with one subnet ID per line. true
security-group-ids List of security group IDs for the task. If multiple they should be passed as multiline argument with one subnet ID per line. true
assign-public-ip Assign public a IP to the task. Options: ['ENABLED', 'DISABLED'] false DISABLED
cluster Which ECS cluster to start the task in. false
override-container Will use containerOverrides to run a custom command on the container. If provided, override-container-command must also be set. false
override-container-command The command to run on the container if override-container is passed. false
tail-logs If set to true, will try to extract the logConfiguration for the first container in the task definition. If override-container is passed, it will extract the logConfiguration from that container. Tailing logs is only possible if the provided container uses the awslogs logDriver. false true


parameter description
task-arn The full ARN for the task that was ran.
task-id The ID for the task that was ran.
log-output The log output of the task that was ran, if tail-logs was set to true.


This action is a node16 action.