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Love actions for macOS AppStore

v0.0.7-alpha Pre-release

Love actions for macOS AppStore


Love actions for macOS AppStore

macOS AppStore CI/CD for LÖVE based games


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Love actions for macOS AppStore

uses: love-actions/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in love-actions/love-actions-macos-appstore

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Github Action for building & deploying macOS .pkg package of a LÖVE framework based game to the App Store.


This action would help you distribute your game THROUGH the App Store. If you want to distribute outside the App Store, please use love-actions-macos-portable

Related actions

See related actions below:

Love actions bare package

Love actions for testing

Love actions for android

Love actions for iOS

Love actions for Linux

Love actions for macOS portable

Love actions for Windows

Quick example

- name: Build macOS packages
  id: build-packages
  uses: 26F-Studio/love-actions-macos-appstore@main
    app-name: My Love Game
    copyright: Copyright © 2020-2022 XXX Co. All Rights Reserved.
    icon-path: ./assets/macOS/icon.icns
    love-package: ./
    product-name: my_game
    version-string: 2.3.4
    output-folder: ./dist
    apple-distribution-base64: ${{ secrets.APPLE_CERT_APPLE_DISTRIBUTION }}
    apple-distribution-password: ${{ secrets.APPLE_CERT_APPLE_DISTRIBUTION_PWD }}
    mac-installer-base64: ${{ secrets.APPLE_CERT_MAC_INSTALLER }}
    mac-installer-password: ${{ secrets.APPLE_CERT_MAC_INSTALLER_PWD }}
    account-username: ${{ secrets.APPLE_ACCOUNT_USERNAME }}
    account-password: ${{ secrets.APPLE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD }}
    team-id: ${{ secrets.APPLE_DEVELOPER_TEAM_ID }}
    apple-id: ${{ secrets.APPLE_APPLE_ID }}

All inputs

Name Required Default Description
app-name false "LÖVE for macOS" App display name. Used in platform/xcode/macosx/love-macosx.plist
bundle-id false "org.love2d.macOS" App bundle id. Used in platform/xcode/love.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
copyright false "" App copyright info. Used in platform/xcode/macosx/love-macosx.plist
icon-path false "./icon.icns" .icns format icon's path. Used in platform/xcode/Images.xcassets/OS X AppIcon.appiconset
love-package false "./" .love game package file path
product-name false "love_app" Base name of the package. Used to rename products
version-string false "11.4" App version string no more than 3 numbers. Used in platform/xcode/love.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
output-folder false "./build" Built packages output folder
apple-distribution-base64 true "" Apple Distribution certificate base64 content. Used to sign the app
apple-distribution-password true "" Apple Distribution certificate password. Used to sign the app
mac-installer-base64 true "" Mac Installer Distribution certificate base64 content. Used to sign the package
mac-installer-password true "" Mac Installer Distribution certificate password. Used to sign the package
account-username true "" Apple ID username. Used to validate and upload the package
account-password true "" App specified password. Used to validate and upload the package
team-id true "" Developer team id. Used to upload the package
team-id true "" App Apple ID. Used to upload the package

All outputs

Name Example Description
package-paths ./build/ Built packages' paths in a bash-style list relative to the repository root, separated by spaces