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GitHub Action

Kestra Validate Action

v0.14.0 Latest version

Kestra Validate Action


Kestra Validate Action

Validate a list of resources from a folder recursively


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Kestra Validate Action

uses: kestra-io/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in kestra-io/validate-action

Choose a version

Validate Action

Official GitHub Action to create CI/CD pipelines that validate Flows or Templates before deploying to your Kestra server.

This action could be used within a workflow that runs when a Pull Request is triggered.

The Action version is based on the Kestra Version. Only Kestra v0.6.1+ is supported.

What does the action do ?

  • Take a folder in input containing your Flow or Template as yaml files. The action look recursively meaning resources in subfolder will be validated too.
  • For each resource, 2 outputs are possible:
    • ':heavy_check_mark: flow-id' when your resource is validated.
    • ':x: filename' when an error was found in your resource. Following by the error message.



Inputs Required Default Description
directory ✔️ Folder containing your resources
resource ✔️ Resource you want to update in your namespace, can be flow or template
server URL of your Kestra server, if none is provided, validation is done locally
user User for the basic auth
password Password for the basic auth
apiToken API token for EE auth
tenant Tenant identifier (EE only, when multi-tenancy is enabled)

Server-side validation

The validation can be done locally with the client, but if you have custom plugin or want your Flows to be validated with TaskDefaults included, it may be more interesting to validate your resources on the server-side.

Differences between server-side and client-side validation

Validation Server-side Client-side
Format :heave_check_mark: :heave_check_mark:
Plugins properties :heave_check_mark:
Customs plugin :heave_check_mark:
Flows TaskDefaults :heave_check_mark:


Depending on your Kestra edition, you may need to include user and password to authenticate on the server.


Example with Flows, validated on the server-side.

      - name: flow update namespace action
        uses: actions/kestra-validate-action@develop
          resource: flow
          directory: ./kestra/flows
          server: https:/

Example with Templates, validated locally with the Kestra Client.

      - name: template update namespace action
        uses: actions/kestra-validate-action@develop
          resource: template
          directory: ./kestra/templates