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GitHub Action

Google Java Format


Google Java Format


Google Java Format

Automatically format Java files using Google Java Style


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Google Java Format

uses: axel-op/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in axel-op/googlejavaformat-action

Choose a version

Google Java Format Action

Automatically format your Java files using Google Java Style guidelines.

This action automatically downloads the latest release of the Google Java Format program.

If some files need to be formatted, this action will push a commit with the modifications (unless you set the skipCommit input to true, or use the --dry-run argument, see below).

You must checkout your repository with actions/checkout before calling this action (see the example).


# Example workflow
name: Format

      - master


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2 # v2 minimum required
      - uses: actions/setup-java@v1
          # Recommended: latest versions of Google Java Format require JDK 11+
          java-version: "11"
      - uses: axel-op/googlejavaformat-action@v3
          args: "--skip-sorting-imports --replace"
          # Recommended if you use MacOS:
          # githubToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


None of these inputs is required, but you can add them to change the behavior of this action.


Recommended if you execute this action on MacOS. Due to this issue, calling the GitHub API from a MacOS machine can result in an error because of a rate limit. To overcome this, provide the GITHUB_TOKEN to authenticate these calls.


Set this input to use a specific version of Google Java Format. For example: 1.7, 1.8...


A pattern to match the files to format. The default is **/*.java, which means that all Java files in your repository will be formatted.


Set to true if you don't want the changes to be committed by this action. Default: false.


You can specify a custom commit message. Default: Google Java Format.


The arguments to pass to the Google Java Format executable. By default, only --replace is used.

-i, -r, -replace, --replace
  Send formatted output back to files, not stdout.

--assume-filename, -assume-filename
  File name to use for diagnostics when formatting standard input (default is <stdin>).

--aosp, -aosp, -a
  Use AOSP style instead of Google Style (4-space indentation).

  Fix import order and remove any unused imports, but do no other formatting.

  Do not fix the import order. Unused imports will still be removed.

  Do not remove unused imports. Imports will still be sorted.

  (JDK 11+) Do not reflow string literals that exceed the column limit.

  (JDK 11+) Do not reformat javadoc.

--dry-run, -n
  Prints the paths of the files whose contents would change if the formatter were run normally.

  Return exit code 1 if there are any formatting changes.

--length, -length
  Character length to format.

--lines, -lines, --line, -line
  Line range(s) to format, like 5:10 (1-based; default is all).

--offset, -offset
  Character offset to format (0-based; default is all).


  • If you add --dry-run or -n, no commit will be made.
  • The argument --set-exit-if-changed will work as expected and this action will fail if some files need to be formatted.