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GitHub Action

Boop Gregor's Nose

v1.0.5 Latest version

Boop Gregor's Nose


Boop Gregor's Nose

Bumps Gregor's nose boop counter on


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Boop Gregor's Nose

uses: gr2m/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in gr2m/boop-gregors-nose

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CLI and GitHub Action to boop my nose

I have been booped on the nose 16 times.


There are two ways to boop my nose

  1. Run the CLI (requires node 14.8+, install at

    npx boop-gregors-nose

    If you have write access to this repository, it will bump the counter directly. Otherwise it will create an issue and I'll boop the nose for you :)

  2. Just create an issue in this repository. The Boop GitHub Action bumps the counter for each new issue.

Happy booping 🐶👈


This repository is a follow up to @jlengstorf's and @gr2m's episode on "Learn With Jason": (May 18th, 2021).

In this episode, we used octokit to bump Jason's nose boop counter on his profile page: in different ways.

  1. A CLI that only Jason can use, authenticated using a GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable set to a personal access token
  2. A CLI that utilizes GitHub's OAuth Device Flow to either directly bump the counter, or to create an issue instead.
  3. A GitHub App deployed to a Netlify serverless function, which gets notified by new issues and then bumps the counter.

Watch the video and check out the source code
