is a toy location search app named for the Chinese explorer Zheng He.
Carthage for package management. It's a popular standard choice right now; I don't have an opinionated preference over, say, CocoaPods.
SwiftyJSON to slightly ease the pain of JSON parsing. We had to roll our own a year ago, and easy reflection-based JSON is one of the few things I miss from Javaland. It's naturally overkill in this case, but let's pretend this app is supposed to get larger.
RxSwift and associated libs for reactivity. I haven't developed a strong preference between Rx* and Reactive*; we sadly couldn't use either in our last app, but this has been a great opportunity to exercise one of them a little.
SwiftLint is run if installed; always handy to have something to yell at you.
Being time-constrained, I'd like to acknowledge a few points of good app structure that aren't present here:
Protocols aren't used to ease dependency stubbing
UI tests are a very useful and totally absent tool!
URL construction by string interpolation isn't a great generalizeable pattern.
External URLs of things like Geonames shouldn't be hardcoded in source code.