Asynchronous, parallel external service checker (with Slack notifications), using industry standard libraries: Curl, ngHTTP2 and OpenSSL.
Daniel (@dmilith) Dettlaff
Asynchronous and multithreaded by default.
JSON format used for both checks (input) and products (output).
Uses OpenSSL 1.1.1a+ to provide "TLS-cert expiration check" functionality.
HTTP2 used as default.
Krecik by default runs in a loop. Every loop iteration loads combined pages and domains from all defined checks. Every iteration produces json history file under /tmp. When there's more than 3 history files available, Krecik performs results validation. When it detects 3 consecutive failures of any type, it will send failure notification using defined notifier (Slack webhook).
Check of 750+ pages (3 expectations per check), 750+ domains (1 expectation per check) takes approximately 20-30s per iteration to complete.
- Rust >= 1.50.0
- Curl >= 7.x
- OpenSSL >= 1.1.1a
- NgHTTP2 >= 1.36.0
- Clang >= 6.x
- Make >= 3.x
- Cmake >= 3.16
- Perl >= 5.x
- POSIX compliant base-system (tested on systems: FreeBSD/ HardenedBSD/ Darwin and Linux)
By default Krecik looks for configuration under:
- /etc/krecik/krecik.conf
- /Services/Krecik/service.conf
- /Projects/krecik/krecik.conf
- krecik.conf
"success_emoji": ":krecik-success:",
"failure_emoji": ":krecik-failure:",
"ok_message": "All services are UP as they should.",
"notifiers": [
"name": "notifier-name",
"slack_webhook": ""
"name": "notifier-other-name",
"slack_webhook": ""
Fields explanation:
- Notification message that will be sent (per notifier) when all checks are successful. -
- List of Slack notifiers used by each Check definition by name.
"domains": [
"name": "",
"expects": [
"ValidExpiryPeriod": 10
"name": "",
"expects": [
"ValidExpiryPeriod": 90
"pages": [
"url": "",
"expects": [
"ValidAddress": ""
"ValidCode": 200
"ValidContent": "Some content"
"ValidContent": "<title"
"ValidContent": "and this thing"
"ValidLength": 100000
"options": {
"timeout": 15,
"connection_timeout": 30,
"verbose": false,
"ssl_verify_host": true,
"ssl_verify_peer": true,
"follow_redirects": true,
"headers": [
"zala: takiheder",
"atala: header123",
"oitrala: 1"
"cookies": [
"ala: 123",
"tala: aye sensei",
"trala: 6"
"agent": "Krtecek-Underground-Agent",
"method": "Post",
"post_data": [
"some: value",
"{\"more\": \"data\"}"
"url": "",
"expects": [
"ValidCode": 404
"url": "",
"expects": [
"ValidCode": 200
"notifier": "notifier-name"
Domain check expectation:
(each domain has to be valid for at least 14 days). -
Page check expectations:
(http error code is 200) +ValidLength(128)
(content length is at least 128 bytes long) +ValidContent("body")
(content contains "body")
Krecik handles SIGUSR1 signal to trigger changes of the log level while running. Depending on how many times it receives SIGUSR1 signal it will cycle between "info", "debug" and "trace" log levels.
Lazy developer mode (using cargo-watch
+ cargo-clippy
, warnings: enabled, watch awaits for code change for first run):
Eager developer mode (using cargo-watch
+ cargo-clippy
, warnings: enabled, watch compiles code immediately):
bin/devel dev
Launch "dev" environment:
bin/run dev
Launch "release" environment:
NOTE: If one of servers mentioned above… is started, the script mentioned below will do additional round of built in tests over HTTP2-Check-API:
For now, the only defined remote resource type is: "PongoHost". To configure Pongo API resource, create file: checks/remotes/yourname.json
with contents:
"url": "https://pongo-api.your.domain.tld/api/ping?token=your-secret-token",
"notifier": "notifier-id"
Create new repository with JSON files with definitions of your checks. Check file-format examples can be found in:
. Commit your checks. -
Now in
repository do:cd krecik/checks
. -
Clone your checks-resource repository, here I called it "frontends":
git clone [email protected]:my-company-id/krecik-frontends.git frontends
. -
web-server in dev mode:bin/run dev
(starts MUCH faster in dev mode).
For svdOS (custom HardenedBSD x86_64) servers using Sofin:
Install build requirements with:
s i Openssl Rust Perl Make
then publish bundles settings to the environment with:
s env +Openssl +Rust +Perl +Make
After build bring back dynamic env setup with:
s env reset
It's been my favorite cartoon… It's a little tribute for mr Zdeněk Miler as well :)