Creating a nft infrastructure for users to mint NFTs using our drag-and-drop UI and have those NFTs be listed on our marketplace.
ERC721: A standard interface for non-fungible tokens, also known as deeds.
ERC1155: A standard interface for contracts that manage multiple token types. A single deployed contract may include any combination of fungible tokens, non-fungible tokens, or other configurations (for example, semi-fungible tokens).
'Providing asset metadata allows applications like OpenSea to pull in rich data for digital assets and easily display them in-app. Digital assets on a given smart contract are typically represented solely by a unique identifier (e.g., the token_id in ERC721), so metadata allows these assets to have additional properies, such as a name, description, and image.'
OpenSea supports metadata that is structured according to the official ERC721 metadata standard or the Enjin Metadata suggestions.