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jbanking - A Java banking API

jbanking is a library of utilities to assist with developing banking functionalities. jbanking is focused on, but not limited to, European banking.


jbanking is supporting the following features :


jbanking requires at least Java 8 (build is tested against Java 8, 11, 17 and 21). It has no additional dependency !

Use it !

You can download the latest build on Maven Central or use it as a maven dependency:


Then you just have to use the jbanking API.

// Get ISO country information
IsoCountry country = IsoCountry.fromAlpha2Code(" fr ").get();
Assertion.assertEquals("FRA", country.getAlpha3Code());
Assertion.assertEquals(250, country.getNumericCode());

// Get ISO currency information
IsoCurrency currency = IsoCurrency.fromAlphabeticCode(" eur ").get();
Assertion.assertEquals(978, currency.getNumericCode());
Assertion.assertEquals(2, currency.getMinorUnit().get());
Assertion.assertEquals(NATIONAL, currency.getCategory());

// Validate an IBAN
Assertions.assertTrue(Iban.isValid(" fr2531682128768051490609537 "));

// Get IBAN information
Iban iban = new Iban(" fr2531682128768051490609537 ");
Assertions.assertEquals("FR2531682128768051490609537", iban.toString());
Assertions.assertEquals("FR25 3168 2128 7680 5149 0609 537", iban.toPrintableString());
Assertions.assertEquals("FR", iban.getCountryCode());
Assertions.assertEquals("25", iban.getCheckDigit());
Assertions.assertEquals("31682128768051490609537", iban.getBban());
Assertions.assertEquals("31682", iban.getBankIdentifier());
Assertions.assertEquals("12876", iban.getBranchIdentifier().get());
Assertions.assertEquals("80514906095", iban.getAccountNumber());
Assertions.assertEquals("37", iban.getNationalCheckDigit().get());

// Generate a random IBAN
Iban randomIban = new RandomIban().next();

// Validate a BIC
Assertions.assertTrue(Bic.isValid(" psstfrppxxx "));

// Get BIC information
Bic bic = new Bic(" psstfrppxxx ");
Assertions.assertEquals("PSSTFRPPXXX", bic.toString());
Assertions.assertEquals("PSST", bic.getInstitutionCode());
Assertions.assertEquals("FR", bic.getCountryCode());
Assertions.assertEquals("PP", bic.getLocationCode());
Assertions.assertEquals("XXX", bic.getBranchCode());

// Generate a random BIC
Bic randomBic = new RandomBic().next();

// Validate a creditor identifier
Assertions.assertTrue(CreditorIdentifier.isValid(" fr72zzz123456 "));

// Get creditor identifier information
CreditorIdentifier ci = new CreditorIdentifier(" fr72zzz123456 ");
Assertions.assertEquals("FR72ZZZ123456", ci.toString());
Assertions.assertEquals("FR", ci.getCountryCode());
Assertions.assertEquals("72", ci.getCheckDigit());
Assertions.assertEquals("ZZZ", ci.getBusinessCode());
Assertions.assertEquals("123456", ci.getNationalIdentifier());

// Using predefined calendars
Calendar calendar = FinancialCalendars.PARIS;
Assertion.assertTrue(calendar.isHoliday(LocalDate.of(2022, 1, 1)));
Assertion.assertFalse(calendar.isBusinessDay(LocalDate.of(2022, 1, 1)));
Assertion.assertEquals(LocalDate.of(2022, 1, 3),, 1, 1)));
Assertion.assertEquals(Arrays.asList(LocalDate.of(2022, 1, 3), LocalDate.of(2022, 1, 4)), calendar.businessDaysWithin(LocalDate.of(2022, 1, 1), LocalDate.of(2022, 1, 4)));

For more information take a look at the javadoc and the unit tests. Changelogs are available on GitHub Releases.


There is no alternatives to jbanking that has all its features. But here are some partial alternatives :


Take a look at the contribution guide.

Need help ?

Start a discussion, raise an issue or contribute with a pull-request (please take a look at the contribution guide before).

And for the things that must be kept private (only !), such as security issues, email me at [email protected].