TPOT is an "auto ML" package that finds a good machine learning pipeline for your data. It is a genetic algorithm that searches over the sklearn classifier algorithms. It does not train the model or do prediction, it's just for finding an appropriate model and set of hyperparameters, as well as preprocessors.
Here are three scripts that run TPOT, train the model, and do prediction. This is a brief outline of what you'll do to run them, but there's more documentation in the scripts themselves.
See to run an example full pipeline of scan - train - predict.
1.) Run TPOT on training data to find a good pipeline. This can take several days, reduced by limiting the number of classifiers, selectors, transformers, etc to explore. It can be sped up by using more jobs, but we've noticed crashes from too many jobs before. Note that TPOT outputs a python script. I suggest telling TPOT to look at only a subset of the classifier models in sklearn with the flag --classifier_subset, as in the example below. I've found 50 generations with a population size of 50 works pretty well, but results may vary.
python --training_data path/to/training_data.csv \
--outfile \
--classifier_subset sklearn.ensemble.ExtraTreesClassifier sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier \
--generations 50 --population_size 50 --n_jobs 10 --template Selector-Classifier
2.) After running TPOT, it's now time to train the model and test it on your hold-out set. TPOT has written a python script (called '' in the example above).
Option A) You should now cut and paste the appropriate parts into the script called, which will train the model using pipeline from TPOT and test it against your holdout set. It writes a serialized model object, a csv file with precision-recall results on the test set, and a csv file with the prediction results on the test set (ID1,ID2,known_label,classifier_score,FDR)
Option B) Same thing, but will automatically extract appropriate parts of the TPOT output python --training_infile /path/to/training_data.csv --test_infile /path/to/test_data.csv --exported_pipeline --id_cols 0
3.) You can predict on your full dataset using the trained, serialized model with
-Benjamin Liebeskind and Claire McWhite