Notebooks and files from the paper "De novo Design and Bioactivity Prediction of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Inhibitors using Recurrent Neural Network-based Transfer Learning"
Generative models data
- data used to train the generative model and classifier
- ChEMBL data used to train the general chemical model
Classifier data
- external_validation_mpro_xchem.csv: external validation set of fragments screened against SARS-CoV-2 Mpro
- random_splits.tar.gz: Random splits used to train the classifier
- scaffold_splits.tar.gz: Scaffold-based split used to train the classifier
ULMFit notebook
- LSTM_generative.ipynb: notebook used for ULMFit.
General chemical model
- general_model_weights.pth: Pretrained weights of the general chemical model.
- vocab.pkl: Chemical vocabulary of the general chemical model. This vocabulary is necessary to fine-tune the model.
Fine-tuned model
- finetuned_encoder.pth: Encoder (all layers except the last one) of the fine-tuned chemical model
- finetuned_model.pkl: Fine-tuned chemical model
- classifier.pkl: Final fine-tuned classifier
Chemprop models
- Chemprop model as available at the original website
- Balanced Chemprop available at the original website
Generative models data
- crossvalidation_results.csv: Cross-validation results for validation, test and external sets using the ULMFit method.
- generated_70k_90.csv: Generated molecules using the fine-tuned chemical model (N = 70000).
- top20_druglike.smi: Top-20 drug-like generated molecules.