A CLI application that shows Certificate Information of single X509 certificate (PEM and DER format) or multiple certificates (check a directory)
This can also be used for converting PEM certificate to DER and vice-versa
You can install the binary in global composer directory:
composer global require marco-introini/certinfo-cli
All the available commands are visible using:
certinfo check:file <filename>
filename can be a PEM, CRT, CER or DER file
certinfo check:directory <directory>
certinfo check:url <url>
certinfo convert:pem2der <filename>
certinfo convert:der2pem <filename>
Inside the Makefile there is the build command to create the executable
There are several test written using Pest inside the tests/Feature directory.
Before executing Pest you must generate stub certificates inside the tests/stubs directory. There is a Makefile recipe for automating everything:
make test
This package is based on Laravel Zero.
Laravel Zero was created by Nuno Maduro and Owen Voke, and is a micro-framework that provides an elegant starting point for your console application. It is an unofficial and customized version of Laravel optimized for building command-line applications.
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This is an open-source software licensed under the MIT license.