AdAway is an open source ad blocker for Android using the hosts file.
For more information visit
For Android Nougat users, or users with bugs, there may be preview builds available from the AdAway XDA Thread. It is recommended to try those builds to see if your issue is resolved before creating an issue. The preview builds may contain bug fixes or new features for new android versions. You can also obtain Preview or Stable builds from the XDA Labs application.
After preview builds have been tested a bit by the more technical or responsive community within the forums, we will then post the stable build to F-Droid.
You can post Issues here or obtain more detailed community support via the XDA Thread.
AdAway is currently maintained by 0-kaladin and Dāvis Mošenkovs. The original author is Dominik Schürmann.
- Have NDK directory in your PATH (
- Change to "AdAway" directory with
cd AdAway
- Execute
to compile native binaries.
- Have Android SDK "tools", "platform-tools", and "build-tools" directories in your PATH (
- Open the Android SDK Manager (shell command:
). Expand the Extras directory and install "Android Support Repository" - Export ANDROID_HOME pointing to your Android SDK
- Execute
./gradlew renameExecutables
(IMPORTANT unusual step!) - Execute
./gradlew build
Fork AdAway and do a Pull Request. I will merge your changes back into the main project.
I am using the newest Android Studio for development. Development with Eclipse is currently not possible because I am using the new project structure.
- Clone the project from github
- From Android Studio: File -> Import Project -> Select the cloned top folder
- Import project from external model -> choose Gradle
Translations are hosted on Transifex, which is configured by ".tx/config".
- To pull newest translations install transifex client (e.g.
apt-get install transifex-client
) - Config Transifex client with "~/.transifexrc"
- Go into root folder of git repo
- execute
tx pull
(tx pull -a
to get all languages)
- Indentation: 4 spaces, no tabs
- Maximum line width for code and comments: 100
- Opening braces don't go on their own line
- Field names: Non-public, non-static fields start with m.
- Acronyms are words: Treat acronyms as words in names, yielding !XmlHttpRequest, getUrl(), etc.
- XML Maximum line width 999
- XML: Split multiple attributes each on a new line (Eclipse: Properties -> XML -> XML Files -> Editor)
- XML: Indent using spaces with Indention size 4 (Eclipse: Properties -> XML -> XML Files -> Editor)
Forked from the following sources and slightly modified to compile!
- dnsmasq:
- libpcap:
- tcpdump:
Please review the following commits for the changes made to the sources above in order for them to compile in this project:
- Commit:
- Commit:
- Commit:
AdAway is licensed under the GPLv3+.
The file LICENSE includes the full license text.
AdAway is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
AdAway is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AdAway. If not, see
Apache License v2 -
Android Donations Lib
Apache License v2 -
Apache License v2 -
Mongoose Webserver
GPLv2 License -
BSD 3-Clause License -
Apache License v2
status_enabled.svg, status_disabled.svg, status_update.svg
Dropbox Emblems Tango by Charles A.
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License -
Faenza Icons
GPLv3 -
icon.svg, banner.svg
AdAway by Dominik Schürmann
New version by Alin Ţoţea-Radu
GPLv3 -
Menu Icons
Original Android Icons