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A simple input control for DragonRuby.

The Multiline input is fast enough to edit Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (~170k character), but War and Peace (~3.3M characters) is over the limits. This limit doesn't appear to be related to the code, as even loading the War and Peace text file takes multiple seconds (M1 Pro Max). I have not explored where the limit is beyond a simple experiment with these two files from Project Gutenberg, but if you need to edit a reasonable sized novel, perhaps a chapter-based approach is better anyway.


Grab the latest single file release input.rb from the Releases page and save it in your DragonRuby game folder (I'm assuming in a lib directory in the sample below).

require 'lib/input.rb'

def tick(args)
  # Create an input
  args.state.input ||= 100, y: 600, w: 300, focussed: true)

  # Allow the input to process inputs and render text (render_target)

  # Get the value
  args.state.input_value = args.state.input.value

  # Output the input
  args.outputs.primitives << args.state.input

  # Output the value
  args.outputs.debug << { x: 100, y: 100, text: args.state.input_value }.label!

See app/main.rb for a more complex example.

Constructor Arguments


Color arguments can be passed as Hashes or Arrays suffixed with _color, or individual Integer values suffixed with _r, _g, _b, _a. In all cases, if a color element is missing, the corresponding default value will be used.

For example, for the prompt you can pass:

  • A prompt_color as a Hash, like { r: 100, g: 100, b: 100, a: 255 }
  • A prompt_color as an Array, like [100, 100, 100, 255]
  • A prompt_color as an Integer, like 0xFF33BB or 0xFF33BBFF
  • Individual prompt_r, prompt_g, prompt_b and prompt_a Integer values

NOTE: For Integer (hex) rgba to work, there has to be a red component > 0. If you need red to be zero, use the Hash or Array format

The argument list below will list prompt_color but not the individual prompt_* values.


  • x - x location, default 0
  • y - y location, default 0
  • w - width, default 256
  • h - height, default is the height of the font (as measured by calcstringbox) + 2 * the padding
  • value - initial input value (string), default ''
  • padding - padding, default 2
  • font - font path (eg. 'fonts/myfont.ttf'), default ''
  • size_enum - size enumeration (integer), or named size such as :small, :normal, :large, default: :normal (0)
  • size_px - font size in pixels, takes precedence over size_enum if given
  • text_color - text color, default { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 }
  • r - text color, red component, default 0, used if text_color is nil
  • g - text color, green component, default 0, used if text_color is nil
  • b - text color, blue component, default 0, used if text_color is nil
  • a - text color, alpha component, default 255, used if text_color is nil
  • prompt - prompt text - ghosted text when the control is empty, default ''
  • prompt_r - prompt color, default { r: 128, g: 128, b: 128, a: 255 }
  • cursor_color - cursor color, default { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 }
  • cursor_width - cursor width, default 2
  • background_color - background color, default nil (non-nil default components, { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 })
  • blurred_background_color - background color, default background_color (non-nil default components, { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 })
  • word_chars - characters considered to be parts of a word, default ('a'..'z').to_a + ('A'..'Z').to_a + ('0'..'9').to_a + ['_', '-']
  • punctuation_chars - charcters considered to be punctuation, default %w[! % , . ; : ' " \ ) ] } * &]`
  • selection_start - start of the selection (if any) in characters (Integer), default the length of the initial value
  • selection_end - end of the selection (if any) and the location of the cursor in characters (Integer), default selection_start
  • selection_color - selection color, default { r: 102, g: 178, b: 255, a: 128 }
  • blurred_selection_color - blurred selection color, default { r: 112, g: 128, b: 144, a: 128 }
  • key_repeat_delay - delay before function key combinations (cursor, cut/copy/paste and so on) begin to repeat in ticks (Integer), default 20
  • key_repeat_debounce - number of ticks (Integer) between function key repeat, default 4
  • word_wrap - if the control should wrap (Boolean), default false
  • readonly - initial input read only state (Boolean), default false
  • focussed - initial input focus (Boolean), default false
  • focused - Alias for focussed
  • on_clicked - Deprecated - use on_click
  • on_click - on click callback, receives 2 parameters, the click and the Input control instance, default NOOP
  • on_unhandled_key - on unhandle key pressed callback, receives 2 parameters, the key and the Input control instance, default NOOP. This callback receives keys like [tab] and [enter] as symbols, so :tab and :enter
  • max_length - maximum allowed length (Integer), default false which disables length checks
  • fill_from_bottom - fill the text from the bottom, like for a log or game terminal, default false
  • draw_autocomplete_menu - if the input draws the autocomplete menu automatically, default true

Attribute accessors

  • value - The current value
  • value_changed - Returns true if the value changed in the last #tick
  • selection_start - The start of the current selection
  • selection_end - The end of the current selection. This is the cursor location.
  • lines - The value broken into individual lines (readonly, Multiline only)
  • content_w - The width of the full content (value) as rendered (readonly, Text only)
  • content_h - The height of the full content (value) as rendered (readonly, Multiline only)
  • rect - Returns the control's containing rect as a hash (readonly)
  • readonly - Returns or sets the control's read only state
  • scroll_x - The x position of the full scrollable area as rendered
  • scroll_y - The y position of the full scrollable area as rendered. NOTE: scroll_y = 0 is the bottom
  • scroll_w - The width of the full scrollable area as rendered (readonly)
  • scroll_h - The height of the full scrollable area as rendered (readonly)
  • shift_lock - If Shift Lock is engaged

Instance Methods

  • #insert(text) - Inserts text at the cursor location, or replaces if there's a selection
  • #insert_at(text, start, end = start) - Inserts text at the start location, or replaces if end != start, without changing the selection
  • #replace(text) - Alias for #insert(text)
  • #replace_at(text, start, end = start) - Alias for #insert_at(text, start, end = start)
  • #append(text) - Appends text the end of the value, without changing the selection
  • #delete_forward - Deletes selection or the character to the right of the cursor location if the selection is empty (typically in response to the Delete key)
  • #delete_back - Deletes selection or the character to the left of the cursor location if the selection is empty (typically in response to the Backspace key)
  • #current_selection - Returns the currently selected text
  • #current_selection - Returns the currently selected text
  • #current_line - Returns the currently selected line object
  • #current_word - Returns the word currently under the cursor
  • #find(text) - Selects the searched for text if found
  • #find_next - Selects the next instance of the currently selected text
  • #find_prev - Selects the previous instance of the currently selected text
  • #cut - Cut selection to $clipboard
  • #copy - Copy selection to $clipboard
  • #paste - Paste value in $clipboard
  • #move_to_start - Move to the start of the current line
  • #move_word_left - Move the cursor a word to the left
  • #move_char_left - Move the cursor a character to the left
  • #move_word_right - Move the cursor a word to the right
  • #move_char_right - Move the cursor a character to the right
  • #move_line_up - Move the cursor one line up (Multiline only)
  • #move_line_down - Move the cursor one line up (Multiline only)
  • #move_page_up - Move the cursor one page up (Multiline only)
  • #move_page_down - Move the cursor one page up (Multiline only)
  • #select_all - Select all
  • #select_to_start - Select to the start of the text value
  • #select_to_line_start - Select to the start of the current line (Multiline only)
  • #select_word_left - Select a word to the left
  • #select_char_left - Select a character to the left
  • #select_to_end - Select to the end of the text value
  • #select_to_line_end - Select to the end of the current line (Multiline only)
  • #select_word_right - Select a word to the right
  • #select_char_right - Select a character to the right
  • #select_line_up - Select one line up (Multiline only)
  • #select_line_down - Select one line down (Multiline only)
  • #select_page_up - Select one page up (Multiline only)
  • #select_page_down - Select one page down (Multiline only)
  • #focus - Focusses the instance. Note the instance will only receive the focus after it's rendered. This prevents multiple instances from handling the keyboard and mouse events in the same tick.
  • #blur - Removes the focus from the instance. This happens immediately and the instance will not process keyboard and some mouse events after being blurred.
  • #focussed? - Returns true if the input is focussed, false otherwise
  • #focused? - Alias for #focussed?
  • #value_changed? - Returns true if the input value changed in the last tick, false otherwise

Custom keyboard handling

There may be cases where you want to do some custom keyboard handling, like filtering out certain characters. In order to do this, create a subclass of Input::Text or Input::Multiline and override the handle_keyboard method, calling super when your special handling is done. The following instance variables are available:

  • @meta - true if the Meta key is down (the Command key on a Mac, or Windows key on Windows)
  • @alt - true if the Alt key is down
  • @shift - true if the Shift key is down or shift_lock is set
  • @ctrl - true if the Control key is down
  • @down_keys - an Array of Symbols of keys that are down excluding the special keys above
  • @text_keys - an Array of printable characters that has been typed this tick

Example: filtering

class FilenameInput < Input::Text
  ALLOWED_CHARS = ('a'..'z').to_a + ('A'..'Z').to_a + ('0'..'9').to_a + ['_', '-', '.']

  def handle_keyboard! { |key| ALLOWED_CHARS.include?(key) }


Console replacement

This library includes the ability to replace the default DragonRuby Console (~). Simply call Input.replace_console! once to enable this.


  • Adding a background_color significantly improves the rendering of the text.

The autocomplete menu is drawn by the input by default, but this might cause layering issues where the menu draw behind other elements on the screen. Setting draw_autocomplete_menu to false allows you to add the #autocomplete_menu into the outputs whereever you like.


  • @danhealy for Zif. The Zif Input was the starting point for this. Though you wouldn't be able to tell now, it was a really solid place to start.
  • @leviondiscord (on Discord, aka @leviongithub) for suggesting #delete_prefix when I would have done something much dumber. And also providing other interesting methods I'm likely to use at some point.
  • @DarkGriffin (on Discord) for requesting this control in the first place, and not being shy about the crazy desired feature list (of which, I feel like, I've only touched the surface).
  • @aquillo (on Discord) for asking me (and others) to review his code, where I learnt that the value returned by keyboard.key is the tick_count the key was pressed which made implementing key repeat much simpler than the silly thing I would've done.
  • @cookie (on Discord) for reigniting my interest in building this control by asking about how to use it, finding a new, novel use for it, and pushing me to improve the sample(s).
  • @kfischer_okarin (on Discord, aka @kfischer-okarin) for contributing size_px, and fixing (or forcing me to fix) the tests. This input is used in his product Palantir which you should check out.
  • @pvande (on Discord and GitHub) for requesting resizing and font size changes for his own nefarious needs in a CSS-like layout system, which I have interest in (and also pointing out a left over puts debug)


A simple input control for DragonRuby.







No packages published

Contributors 3
