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Network Events


This is a mini-app for organizing and sharing events. It helps users browse through different events in one place. I learned how to build a Django REST API with a React Frontend.


Follow this steps to run the project in your machine.


  • download by cloning the repo:
git clone
cd ./opp-network-events

Backend: Python-Django

  • this project uses python 3.11.1, check your system and download it if needed.
  • also install pipenv if needed:
python --version
python3 --version [for Mac users]
pip install pipenv [or pip3]
  • create virtual environment, install dependencies and activate the subshell:
pipenv install
pipenv shell
  • select the python interpreter created for this virtual environment, on VS Command Palette. It should have a path stating your virtual environment directory. This will enable the virtual environment for the new terminals opened in this project.

Select Python Interpreter

Database configuration:

  • create database:
createdb my-db-name
  • in under DATABASES, configure your database connection, editting the name, user, password, host and port for your database connection.
    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', # or alternative
        'NAME': 'my-db-name',
        'USER': 'my-postgres-user',
        'PASSWORD': 'my-password',
        'HOST': '', # localhost
        'PORT': '5432', # this is PostgreSQL default
  • apply migrations:
python migrate
  • [OPTIONAL] populate with mock data, you can use the sql files found in the "events" directory. I use pgAdmin and copy paste the files. First the users file and after, the events file.
-- Mock data files contain 1000 rows like these.
-- Users:
insert into events_user (id, first_name, last_name, email, password, username, is_superuser, is_staff, is_active, date_joined) values (1, 'Hubie', 'Seer', '[email protected]', 'nFZzbSO9a', 'hseer0', true, false, true, '2023-02-16 07:14:25');
-- Events:
insert into events_event (id, title, slug, date, status, location, creator_id) values (1, 'sit amet sapien dignissim vestibulum vestibulum ante ipsum', 'jni-ysf-ycu-joc', '2023-01-31 16:39:19', 'PB', '5 Hayes Crossing', 216);
  • then, you'll need to run these queries to set the current id values for both tables:
SELECT setval('events_user_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM events_user));
SELECT setval('events_event_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM events_event));
  • you can check the current values like this:
SELECT currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('events_user', 'id'));
SELECT currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('events_event', 'id'));
  • next, go back to your virtual environment terminal window, and create a superuser:
python createsuperuser

follow the steps and then go to the backend URL.

  • you can go to "/admin" for the admin site (here you should log in with your super user credentials)
  • you can go to "/events" for the rest api site (here you can use Django REST framework to test API endpoints). Note that you need to comment this code in to test the endpoints without passing the Authorization token every time:

Frontend: React-Vite

  • to start the frontend, you must first cd in "frontend" directory:
cd ./frontend
  • install dependencies:
npm install

Run the project

  • start the backend server from the project root (you can specify a port number)
python runserver # [port_number]

by default, it will start at (localhost port 8000) this is used by the frontend to make api calls to the database.

  • run the project from the frontend directory in development mode:
npm run dev

by default, it will start at (localhost port 5173) this is where the app can be accessed.


So far, the app has been tested manually within the development environment. The available tools to test and debug the project are:

  1. Django REST framework + debug toolbar for the backend.
  2. Chrome DevTools + React DevTools + React Strict Mode for the frontend.

Next Steps

  1. Automated Testing
  2. Add Features (CRUD)
  3. Refactor (Django and React)
  4. Improve UX

Contact info

You can contact me at [email protected].


Full Stack React-Django







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