Create Service Request for the Sugar Land Public Works, using Alexa
Developing Custom Skills for Alexa
- This is a tentative to use Flask Framework to develop for Alexa Custom Skills
Important Notes:
Flask-Ask temporarily substitute web hosting
In order to make it work with Alexa, necessary to use Ngrok to create available https Endpoint obs.: every time you wish to test, necessary to repeat the following steps 2a) using Powershell: .\ngrok.exe http 5000
2b) copy the last https generated url 2c) on, under Endpoint: Select HTTP paste generated url from Ngrok SSL certification: select "Sub-domain with wild card authehtication"
Once Flask-ask stop running, the custom skill will no longer be available!
Once development is complete, consider deploy using AWS lambda: * Using Zappa as compiler * Uploading a zip folder with all files and dependencies