NetBEAMS (Networked Bay Environmental Assessment Monitoring System) is the primary system automation project used to assist the process of data collection from sensor networks such as SF-BEAMS. It's primary focus is environmental sensor networks, but it can be used in different sensor networks.
This was a research project at San Francisco State University, developed at Google Code ( Migration steps was performed at
- Installing the Data Sensor Platform (DSP);
- Running the DSP Platform on Knopflerfish OSGi Framework;
- Developer and Contributor's Guide
- External References to the development of OSGi Bundle;
- Creating a new DSP Component based on OSGi Bundle;
- Data Persistence for the collected data stored on mongoDB, a document-oriented database;
- SF-BEAMS System Analysis: how data is processed by SF-BEAMS;
- What is the purpose of YSI Sonde Data?
- 2009 Arno Puder, Teresa Johnson, Kleber Sales, Marcello de Sales, and Dale Davidson. A component-based sensor network for environmental monitoring. In SNA-2009: 1st International Conference on Sensor Networks and Applications, pages 54–60, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2009. The International Society for Computers and Their Applications - ISCA.