SocketCAN ISO-TP crate. Based on socketcan-rs and isotp.h.
The Linux kernel supports using CAN-devices through a network-like API. This crate allows easy access to this functionality without having to wrestle libc calls.
ISO-TP or ISO 15762-2 allows sending data packets that exceed the eight byte of a default CAN frame. A common application of ISO-TP is for example Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) used in automotive ECUs for diagnostics.
can-isotp is an ISO-TP kernel module that takes care of handling the ISO-TP protocol. Instructions on how the can-isotp kernel module can be build and loaded can be found at
use socketcan_isotp::{self, IsoTpSocket, StandardId};
fn main() -> Result<(), socketcan_isotp::Error> {
let mut tp_socket = IsoTpSocket::open(
StandardId::new(0x123).expect("Invalid src id"),
StandardId::new(0x321).expect("Invalid dst id"),
let buffer =;
println!("read {} bytes", buffer.len());
for x in buffer {
print!("{:X?} ", x);
Setup Isotp Kernel Module:
Setup virtual can interface.
sudo modprobe vcan && \
sudo ip link add dev vcan0 type vcan && \
sudo ip link set up vcan0