MusicDB is a web application that allows the user to navigate through an ontology, which belongs to the music domain. It is possible to filter by "Genre" or "Style", retrieving all the songs based on those filters. The results are presented in a main table, where each line represents an album. When clicked, it will redirect the user to the artists page, with all his albums and respective songs.
Start GraphDB: http://localhost:7200
Create a repository named "music-db"
Import "ontology/music-db-short.ttl" to that same repository
Start Backend Server (Node.js)
Navigate to "music-backend"
cd music-backend
Install all components
npm install
Start backend server: http://localhost:2727
npm start
Start Frontend Server (Vue.js)
Navigate to "music-frontend"
cd music-frontend
Install all components
npm install
Start frontend server: http://localhost:8080
npm run serve
University Project - Processamento e Representação de Conhecimento, Universidade do Minho (2018-2019)