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Releases: mantil-io/mantil


24 Nov 11:55
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56045ab add activationID for end to end test events
58b8966 add check for stages before stage destroy
fab0519 change activation mail
a96e65d cleanup email,username from events
d6040a7 remove field from report


23 Nov 21:35
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54c927d adapt cli logs
2b7f4da add activationID to token remove email
7f0ff7b add bucket cleanup
ace6a1a add more cli outputs
dfc1eb0 add signup integration test
115fedc add terraform plugin cache
30d186a add todo template
cd54658 add typeform to test
1330571 add welcome mail after activation
ef953b3 add workspaceID to registration
f5c5366 add yes flag
ac2ec3f backend state database after deploy
b983b2b change mail text
8427cef change wording token -> code
2f28fac fix docs link
b16f5a9 fix stage destruction create a separate slice for iteration so that we can safely modify s.project.Stages while iterating over it
9e5a674 fix test
183eddc fix test
acc4e07 fix tracking projects
88f0c4f move activate to root hide register
cad1092 move consts closer to the use place
b887db7 parse typeform request
8ac20c5 remove logging
91bbf22 remove message from log.Wrap
9d620a2 rename workspace file from username to workspace
78f5602 simplify bucket prefixes
c5596f9 split registrations database table
dbfcad9 update command text
2bce775 use ID instead of Name for workspace tag
51c8e0c use workspace.ID in auth token


22 Nov 11:49
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e7bba8f add arguments section to commands
1fca094 add arguments to all commands
6ca4f62 add examples to new
5e98ea8 change all command descriptions to 3rd person (e.g. Install -> Installs)
cf34d7b change wording in short commands
ed77643 consolidate naming
5cf3129 create aws resources commands
a25ae2f finalize changes to 3rd person
e20ebda fix docs link
fc8dad4 fix test paths
6c9f76e fix windows build
4af56a3 move command descriptions to texts package
9dd25b4 move one more text to texts package
b193bfd move signup package to domain
bcc3557 move signup/secret to backend/secret
d3e26f5 show arguments in command md output
9a8b911 use same description for common flag


19 Nov 19:30
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e23a86a add dummy changelog file


19 Nov 19:20
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9ff8091 try build again
7537987 try build without windows


13 Nov 22:44
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22192d2 add better conditions for cloudwatch logs permissions
8eb4c88 add deploy shell helper for log/export tool
6fa0454 add example of custom error with causer
2ebd405 add initial registration
6b2c2ab add missing permissions
3d5c8a0 add new parser state used when updating infrastructure
de4a3af add permissions for deploy lambda
907cc2f add permissions for destroy lambda
b120b3a add permissions for security and authorizer
966ad27 add permissions for setup lambda
9c4dd5c add support for hiding terminal cursor on windows
6e8a8fd add test for kit/token
98db18c add token signing to the registration
77d6493 don't overwrite command args
6ca2d71 enable end to end test to run with signup
9b023e2 enable signup backend testing
9adb330 export machineID from domain
3a85851 fall back to simpler output when not in terminal
d3fd7f4 fix cli freeze
7ba6035 fix counting for modifications
e873cfb improve support for windows and narrow terminals
eb7c31e make log.UserError private and rename to InnerError
51d4968 move event project, stage logging to the end
838eea7 move terminal logic to term package
84ede8d no need for fmt, simplify code line
3f08099 prevent losing events
f90d9b6 refactor newStoreWithStage
7d9f969 refactor print function
8849587 remove logging from test
afa8052 remove old isTerminal check
88b49b5 remove unnecessary permission
2d5af15 remove unused Dockerfile
ab85fc1 remove unused attribute in CliCommand
4202b57 remove unused function
8d0568c rename registration -> signup
751ad45 require confirmation when deleting a node which has active stages
6dc3cdf store events on disk if net not available
7fcb908 switch to production
510ca15 track additional workspace metrics - number of projects - number of stages - number of functions - number of public sites
7a9a0ec use platform independet config and log location


10 Nov 12:19
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51f65dd add dev env setup script
546a3f1 add event for each watch cycle and summary
3a53c44 add mantil aws nodes commnad
f37cf76 add mantil stage ls/use command
2056228 add module for node functions
111b562 add notes about creating github ssh keys
c583947 add project new event
a56b715 add role for each lambda functions
35dfe1d add writer struct for all terminal logic and implement basic windows support
08fe2ae continue on errors in ls
6c87c3e prevent panic when closing channels
3c714bb remove binary


09 Nov 12:52
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76ee125 add permissions for cli role
6244c32 add permissions to ws lambdas
820f7f5 implement better handling for terraform errors
34e6c45 remove unnecessary check


08 Nov 12:26
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e6bb279 add awscli to brew bundle
3548ee4 add hugo to the brewfile
6b3fceb handle error in tf parser
d523ccf ignore api gateway conflict errors in tf progress
5979960 improve resource counting
a1bd3aa make build-cli work on new computer
64b5f12 remove unused variable
4700034 replace [flags] with [options] in use line
896c7c7 test setting up dev env


08 Nov 08:41
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3c2c76c add goreleaser to BrewFile
a790145 add trimpath flag to goreleaser
f63ca31 align help line
211ada2 another try with github action
4a145cd catch ctl-c interrupt, log stack
ca8e802 clear line before printing progress
001f60b collect some meaning-full data for deploy
c92e4c4 detect github action before credentials
68ce4bc disable end_to_end in action
f65cde2 doc are removed from this repo
9f8695d don't overwrite help root document
865558c don't run test too early
6e20982 fix git describe in github action
4e2be45 fix github action detection
1293308 fix imports
058bf4d fix key and tests
733a1ee fix panic
9d27471 fix progress in end to end test a little bit
09e30bc fix tailing logs
1b82732 fix terraform state key for destroy
8d6fad8 fix tests
4dc4f10 fix tests
833cdbb fix tests
f93d5ef fix typo
b02dc7b fix workflow file
5b2ab6a generate markdown docs from cli help
d774d65 log setup cf stack events
47ea5de make logs default in invoke
20f0159 move secrets to their own package
c8b4165 read session token if exists
08fff89 remove local paths from logs
244e240 remove old TOOD, wontfix
7079ddc remove periods from descriptions
df99c10 remove unused code
9ae439f remove unused field
a1ac830 rename account to node, closes #68
e96f1a8 rename flags to options
44c99ad rename package backend -> invoke
98df846 separate functions and state bucket prefixes
a7ff4ea set api gateway cloudwatch role
e051945 show environment in github action
a45d3d4 skip end_to_end test until ready
01d3634 store complete terraform logs in logfile
3f9187d try different shebang
55fa1d4 try to run end_to_end in github action
3449490 update flag and command descriptions
1b095e6 update link
a5b418f update setup output
06adc05 update usage template
76b0cef use custom print funcs for progress this way they won't end up cluttering the log files
0837ff7 use latest mantil.go
11a9741 use proper name for hash size variable
8cd8d41 yet another try
f3f5170 yet another try