Latest deployment available at
Based on the React TypeScript App GitHub template repo:
- Vite (super-fast project tooling)
- React 18
- TypeScript
- ESLint
- Prettier
- pre-commit hooks
- CI / deployment GitHub workflows
- Dependency management via Renovate
- Package management via pnpm
- Mobile-first design
- Tailwind (utility-first CSS framework)
- Dark Mode Support (utilizing tailwind "class" strategy)
- Branding via custom "material design" palette (vs generic tailwind colors scheme)
- Jotai (primitive and flexible state management for React)
- GraphQL
with automatic hooks generation based on the GraphQL schema
- React Router v6 (with routes code-splitting)
- End-to-end testing: Cypress (with GitHub Actions workflow)
- Unit & Integration testing: Vitest with React Testing Library setup (dynamically extract & inject tailwind css in jsdom test environment -- see #57)
- Static Analysis: TypeScript & ESLint
- MSW (Mock Service Worker) API mocking (intercepting requests on the network level)