You can contact me on twitter as @mandubian
The notebook is a sandbox to test concepts exposed in this amazing paper:
This notebook is a sandbox to test concepts exposed in this amazing paper:
Neural Ordinary Differential Equations
Authors: Chen, Ricky T. Q. Rubanova, Yulia Bettencourt, Jesse Duvenaud, David
My idea is to reproduce the concepts exposed in the paper fully in Tensorflow using Eager-Mode and GradientTape.
I didn't want to depend on Autograd and to be able to use classic Keras models.
For ODE Solver, I wanted to compare implementations in TF with Scipy very robust ones (the only one I found is Runge-Kutta Dopri5).
- Added batched TF augmented gradient
- Added mini-batch optimization inspired by cool Pytorch implementation allowing to have much faster converging & deterministic training
- First Implementation of TF augmented gradient
- Samples with basic optimization on whole dataset
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