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Proposal for Ideal Mobile Development Workflow Based on GitFlow

We need to have workflow that make stable builds, on development, maintenance, and when production issue occurs.


  • Make a stable production ready build every sprints
  • High and critical bugs are known as early as possible
  • Make hotfixes / patches to be production ready fast

Stable does not mean bug free.

Stable means worry less, no critical or high priority bugs, no obvious bugs.

There are several development phase for this proposal, each one has specific characteristics. The flows are:

Development Phase

Development phase is a phase for building new features or starting new product from scratch.

  • Based on Scrum
  • 2 weeks sprints
  • 1 week or less stabilization phase
  • 2 days PVT + Security Testing (need subject matters on this)

Maintenance Mode

This is for handling non-critical bug fixes and stabilization of an existing application.

  • Based on Kanban
  • 1 week or according to team’s agreement
  • 2 days PVT + Security (need subject matters on this)

Production Issue

This phase is for business impacting issues, that needs to be done immediately, by adding patches. The timeline is according to SLA if any, or ASAP.

Detailed Guidelines

Development Mode

Development phase is a phase for building new features or starting new product from scratch.




Developer create this branch on their local machine, it will be merged and pushed to develop branch after code review is approved. This branch should be removed from git after it is merged to develop


Main branch for all developers’ work, this is still not stable, not yet checked by QA. All commits merged to this branch is tested by developers to be working, not breaking, linted, passed unit tests, and code reviewed by lead developer. Additionally, developer can add a flag to features merged on this branch, when the features are not gonna be released yet, because of let’s say, a business need. Develop branch should only visible to developers only. No builds from this branch goes to outside world.


This branch is for preparation to release a feature. Whenever the team decides to have a release, developer lead merges develop branch on a specific commit hash to release branch. Then all bug fixes and stabilization is merged to this branch. The build is automatically done daily, whenever it has changes. QA get build from this branch only. The QA process is done in stabilization phase. After the build is declared stable, then developer lead merge this to master and develop branch.


This branch contains stable build. It is tagged by version and build number. The tag functions should make developers easy to pinpoint which commit to build in case there’s a rollback. PVT + Security

Maintenance Mode

This is for handling non-critical bug fixes and stabilization of an existing application. If there are big features or improvements, then it’s better to use development mode.


Bug branch will be merged to release branch, then to master and develop

Have the same develop, release, and master as the Development Mode.

Hotfix Mode

Hotfix mode is for whenever there is production issue that needs to be fixed as soon as possible. The build is already up and running on production. Pushing changes to hotfix/* branch will automatically make builds for UAT and Production environment.


Hotfix branch is for fixing the bug happened in production, this is branched directly from master on specific tag. After linting, unit testing, and code reviewing is done. Hotfix is merged to master branch.

This branch, whenever pushed, should automatically run lint, unit tests, and creating build. Then it should be reviewed by lead developer before it’s merged to master and develop

Have the same develop and master as the Development Mode.


  • We create builds for internal consumers (QA , Internal Users, or Penetration Testers), when we want to release.
  • Customers get production stable release only.
  • QA tests on release branch on stabilization phase.
  • Developers should make sure their work is done according to stories and already test them before doing code review.
  • “Real” Unit Tested :)
  • Approver MUST checkout branch on PR and see by their own eyes, that things is proper before clicking the approve button.
  • No builds comes from develop branch for internal consumers, develop build is only for developer.
  • CI will not create build for develop branch. Developers should be able to make builds locally.
  • Make builds from release branch daily on stabilization phase.
  • Only hotfix branch can directly make builds.
  • Release branch is a branching from develop, release branch contains commits that wants to be stabilized and released, a release candidate.
  • On release branch, several release candidate can be tagged. Ex: v.1.0.1-7004.
  • Once QA team declares the build is stable, release is merged to master and tagged, it is also merged back to develop.
  • Tagging format is like this: v.1.15.0-7001 (v.< version >< buildNumber >).



  • Design and develop awesome features.
  • Code Reviews.

Lead Developer

  • To lead the development team
  • Design high level architecture within the scope of the team
  • With the overall teams decides tools and infrastructure including CI/CD pipelines
  • Account management (Jira, Bitbucket, etc)
  • Code Reviews
  • Merging release to develop and master
  • Maintain discipline: Jira status, etc


  • Stable build assurance


  • Design and writes test cases to be automated
  • If the test case is done, it will be integrated with UI testing in build phase in CI/CD

Security Team

  • Penetration Testers


  • Do PVT

Pros and Cons/Challenges


  • Stabilized each releases
  • Clear visibility of codes and rollbacks if needed
  • Clear phase between development and testing
  • Clear guidelines


  • need discipline to follow the guidelines
  • need CI/CD that fulfill needs


If the full Automated UI Test is stable, then the Development mode and Maintenance mode will need a revision. The builds develop by any developers can be merged to master right away.


  1. CircleCI for CI runner
  2. Fastlane for builder
  3. HockeyApp, for adhoc or internal distributions
  4. Artifactory for collecting IPAs or APKs
  5. Bugsnag for error reporting
  6. Slack for team notifications
  7. Bitbucket or GitHub for Source Control

CI/CD Pipelines

To actually make a build we need to make sure it is simple and easy to create one, so we just need one simple step to create a build: pushing a branch. CircleCI will automatically create a VM for us so that we can run our workflow. The branch that we need to configure to create build automatically is release, hotfix, and master.

Generally, the pipeline is like this:


We start the CI/CD pipeline by checking out the code a.k.a pull the code.

Build Creation

In this step, we start installing dependencies to creating the build. This step consists of Install Runner Dependencies and Creating Builds (IPA or APK).

Build Distribution

We distribute the build to QA and Internal Users and also post the symbolication file to error tracking service, we use Bugsnag for this. Build distribution consists of:

  • Uploading Symbolication to Bugsnag
  • Distributing Builds: SIT, UAT, Production AdHoc (for Internal Users) to HockeyApp and Production AppStore / PlayStore to Artifactory
  • Sending Notifications

Build Testing

QA process happens in this step. QA can test their builds after receiving notifications, it can be from email sent by Distribution service , like HockeyApp and from Slack.

Delivery Flows


  • On Native build Unit Tests is run on Fastlane.
  • On React Native, Running Unit Tests is run after Installing Runner Dependencies as config.yml’s run.
  • Both are executed on Create Build step.

Delivery Implementation

Since we use CircleCI, it is configured in config.yml file in .circleci folder on your iOS or Android project. Checkout and Install Runner Dependencies are written as a run step on config.yml while the implementation details of Build Creation and Build Distribution steps is written in Fastfile .

In other words:

  • Checkout, Install Runner Dependencies, fastlane command line execution —> CircleCI’s config.yml’s run
  • Build Creation and Distribution details —> Fastlane’s Fastfile
  • Execution is all done in CircleCI’s VM

Here’s the example of the CircleCI configuration files:


version: 2
    # Specify the Xcode version to use
      xcode: "9.2.0"

      LC_ALL: en_US.UTF-8
      LANG: en_US.UTF-8
    shell: /bin/bash --login -eo pipefail
      - checkout

      # Fetch cocoapods spec from CircleCI repo
      # to speed up spec download
      - run:
          name: Fetch CocoaPods Specs
          command: |
            curl | bash -s c

      - run:
          name: Set Ruby Version
          command: echo "ruby-2.3" > ~/.ruby-version

      - run:
          name: Install gems using bundler
          command: bundle install

      - run:
          name: Make adhoc build for SIT
          command: bundle exec fastlane adhoc --env sit

      - run:
          name: Make adhoc build for UAT
          command: bundle exec fastlane adhoc --env uat

      - run:
          name: Make adhoc build for PROD
          command: bundle exec fastlane adhoc --env prod

      # Store logs
      - store_artifacts:
          path: ~/Library/Logs/scan
          destination: scan-logs

and here’s the example of the Fastfile adhoc lane:

desc "Make adhoc build, for SIT, UAT, PROD using AdHoc profile"
  lane :adhoc do
    PLIST_PATH = "#{ENV["PROJECT_NAME"]}/Info.plist"
    build_version = get_info_plist_value(path: PLIST_PATH, key: "CFBundleShortVersionString")
    build_number  = get_info_plist_value(path: PLIST_PATH, key: "CFBundleVersion")

    ipa_name = "#{ENV["APP_NAME"]}-#{build_version}(#{build_number})-#{ENV["SCHEME"]}"

      scheme: ENV["SCHEME"],
      export_method: "ad-hoc",
      clean: true,
      output_directory: ENV["BUILD_DIRECTORY"],
      output_name: ipa_name,
	  Dir.chdir("../..") do
      # upload sourcemaps to Bugsnag

      api_token: ENV["HOCKEY_TOKEN"],
      ipa: "#{ENV["BUILD_DIRECTORY"]}/#{ipa_name}.ipa",
      notes: "Some notes",
      notify: "2", # notify all testers
      status: "2", 
      notes_type: "0"


Further Development

  • If the automated UI test is working, then the true Continuous Delivery will be real. Developer will only branch from master and merge back to it, it should automatically create a production ready build.
  • App Store / Play Store flow can be automated to create snapshots or upload automatically if we want.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2018 mamaz


Ideal Mobile Development Workflow Based on GitFlow








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