BRamble is a web-based administration system for 6LoWPAN border-routers. It provides setup and diagnostic tools to easily deploy 6LoWPAN networks.
RPL network visualization
- queries routing information from nodes implmenting rplinfo CoAP resources
Automatic IPv6 network configuration
Radio managment
- automatic firmware loading
Please see the wiki for detailed development details. If you need help, please ask questions in the issue tracker.
git clone
On a debian/ubuntu machine, the following should get you pretty close:
apt-get update
apt-get install cython libjs-jquery python-flask python-pip python-dev ipv6calc
pip install Flask-OpenID Flask-Login Flask-Principal Flask-Bcrypt Flask-Mako IPy gevent-socketio
See also the advanced scripts in:
bramble/files/debian/ bramble/files/arch/
These scripts will setup nginx and automatically start BRamble etc... READ THROUGH THEM BEFORE RUNNING ON YOUR SYSTEM
git clone
cd gevent
python build
python install
BRabmle currently uses coap-client from libcoap.
Currently mainline contiki implements coap-08 in erbium (used by
and rplinfo
). To get the latest version of libcoap that works
with with this version of erbium:
git clone git://
cd libcoap
git checkout a662f73
cp examples/coap-client /usr/local/bin
If you are using econotags or mc13224vs with bramble you will need mc1322x-load (the C version and not the perl script):
/contiki/cpu/mc1322x/tools$ gcc mc1322x-load.c -o mc1322x-load
sudo cp mc1322x-load /usr/local/bin
and probably bbmc
(esp. if you are using PC w/econotag):
sudo apt-get install libftdi-dev
/contiki/cpu/mc1322x/tools/ftditools$ make
sudo cp bbmc /usr/local/bin
You should just need tunslip6 in a executable place.
See the files directory for details on how to configure your particular distribution.
In particular,
only necessary if you are using a TSP tunnel
A suitable gogoc template must be present in the BRamble search path
(default: ['/etc/gogoc', '/var/cache/bradmin', '/etc/lowpan', '/usr/local/etc/lowpan', '.']
This script needs to be in your path somewhere. E.g.:
cp ./files/debian/bin/ /usr/local/bin
cd bramble/web
This will print initalization information to the screen while the
border-router is loaded with firmware, tunslip is connected, and
aquires a tunnel. It will also start the BRamble webserver.
If all goes well, point your browser to localhost the default password is default.
BRamble is released under GPLv3.