Start by installing the package with your preffered package manager for node.
yarn add electron-mc-auth
npm install electron-mc-auth
First of all, prefer to run the package code on the back-end side of the electron. So the documentation will only refer directly to the main.ts file.
To use the package authentication system, you need to instatiate the Auth function.
import { Auth } from 'electron-mc-auth'
const mcAuth = useMcuseMcAuth()
This function should return an object containing all package functions with the predefined configuration passed on it initialization.
There are some functions that you can import directly, but, to start the auth flow, you should use launch() function that is returned by the useMcuseMcAuth() function.
It's pretty straightfoward, just use the launch() function provided by the useMcuseMcAuth() function and it will handle the Window creation and network requests to get you authenticated and reuturn the MinecraftProfile object.
Here's an example on the main file of electron.
// /main.ts
app.whenReady().then(() => {
const authenticate = async () => {
const { launch, refresh } = useMcAuth({...})
const auth = await launch()
if (!auth) return
const refreshData = await refresh(auth)
if (!refresh) return
message: `
Logged as: ${}
return true
This is the most important part of the package.
If the login is succesful, you should recieve an object like this;
export interface MinecraftProfileTypes {
id: string
name: string
skins: {
id: string
state: string
url: string
variant: string
capes: {
id: string
state: string
url: string
alias: string
access_token: string
refresh_token: string
client_token: string
expires_in: number
Also, the package can convert its object to be compatible with MCLC package.
To do this, just pass your Minecraft Profile object to the getMCLC()
function getMCLC(profile: MinecraftProfileTypes): MCLCAuthTypes
You can pass your preffered callback for onError
, onInfo
, onWarn
, onLog
Example using default useMcAuth()
const { launch, getLink, login, getMCLC, refresh, validate, getMinecraft } =
onError: (msg) => {
return msg
Here's the type definition for the callback;
export type LogFunctionTypes = (message: string) => void
export interface LoggerCallBackTypes {
onError?: LogFunctionTypes
onInfo?: LogFunctionTypes
onWarn?: LogFunctionTypes
onLog?: LogFunctionTypes